Samuel was a great big help the last two days as we are trying to pack. He loved riding to and from the laundry room in the basket. He would sit up, hold on and laugh hysterically. He seemed to enjoy the warm "fresh out of the dryer" laundry best!
We are all packed and eager to head to the airport tomorrow morning. We are planning on leaving the house at 4:30am! in order to get to the airport the recommended three hours before departure. There is no way I am missing this plane! If all goes according to plan, we should arrive in Chicago tomorrow afternoon!
We are looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Posted by jenn at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Christmas Plans
For all our Grand Rapids friends....
We will be in GR for a short time over break.
In order to see as many people as we can, we are going to be at the
Panera Bread on 44th and Kenowa from 2:00-5:00pm on
Wednesday, December 28th.
We will be upstairs by the fireplace.
We would love to see anyone that has a quick minute to stop by.
If not, we totally understand the mad rush of the holiday season.
Hope to see you there!
Posted by jenn at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Look at me!
Samuel is getting pretty comfortable sitting up now. He does still have a pretty round bum and will fall over pretty easily, especially if he get really excited! He does reach for toys and will pull himself back up to sitting after grabbing it! We generally will put him down with his Boppy or with pillows around him and let him go. He thinks it is pretty funny to fall over!
He is also pulling a famous baby stunt, wants to play with anything but the toys he is given. Some of his toys are kept in a basket in the living room, he takes the toys out and plays with the basket. I am sure over Christmas he will love the wrapping paper and the boxes! I guess that makes him pretty easy to please!
Posted by jenn at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 19, 2005
Family Time
Today was Mike's first day off both work and school, so we played! First, we took Samuel to the zoo for the first time. Since it was rainy and cold we only saw about half the exhibits. We did see lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants, hippos and a giraffe. Samuel did really well. He watched the animals as they moved and even smiled at a few.
Next, we went to the mall to eat lunch and see Santa. Samuel sat in a big boy high chair and played very well while we ate. He even tried to pay the bill, they wouldn't take his credit card!
Finally, we made the much awaited stop to see Santa. He loved Santa. He was very intrigued by both his hat and glasses. We had a hard time getting a picture because Samuel wanted to look at Santa not the camera. After four tries we managed to capture a decent one. All in all we had a great day as a family.
For more pictures of the zoo and Samuels Santa visit, check out the website
Posted by jenn at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Since Mike is now off school for the next four weeks and has more time at home we decided to become a bit tougher with Samuel and his sleeping habits. He has always been a good sleeper, but prefers to be in our bed cuddled next to mom! Since I don't get a decent nights sleep with him next to me, you can imagine that this routine is not working out so well. Starting yesterday, as soon as Samuel starts to show us he is tired, we wrap him up, give him his blanket and binky and lay him down. So far we are 3 for 4!! He does fuss a bit, but generally calms down and is asleep within a few minutes. He does seem to wake up more often, but only requires help finding a lost bink or a few pats to drift back off to dreamland. Although we know that the holidays and being in Michigan may destroy the entire plan, we are pretty happy that he continues to sleep well! Sleep Tight!
Posted by jenn at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 16, 2005
Wow! Although the weather here has been a bit on the cold side (so the natives say), it has been beautiful. Despite the horror stories we heard about all the rain, the last week or so it has been clear skies. Everyday as we head to the highway, we see a beautiful sight of one of the mountain ranges. Further down the highway, we round a bend and POW, Mt. Rainier towers beautifully in front of us. Mike nearly drives off the road each time we make that turn! It is a beautiful view to experience. Although I miss the snow and am eager to head back to Michigan for a white Christmas, I can't help but love the view here!
Posted by jenn at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Keeping Warm
We have had a few sad days here in the Clark household. Samuel is officially into some of his 6-9 month clothing. I had a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that he is moved up yet another size. It seems like just yesterday we were dressing him in all his 0-3 months clothes and laughing about how big they were on him. Today he woke up in a 9 month sleeper that even appears to be a little on the shorter side! So sad!
Although I am saddened by how quickly he is growing, I am amazed by my little dude. He is developing into such a great and fun little boy. He is so amazed by new things. He gets pretty excited when he realizes that he has been sitting up for a couple of seconds and smiles, which is quickly followed by either arm waving or kicking which sends him tumbling over. He then laughs and tries to figure out how to get back up.
I am amazed daily with how much joy he brings to my life. I always knew I wanted to have kids and thought I would enjoy being a mom, but now I cannot image my life any other way. I never realized how much joy one little bundle could bring. His smile, which is pretty standard, takes away any fear, anxiety and sadness and fills me with hope, love and a desire to keep going. It's amazing what a toothless grin can do to your heart!
Posted by jenn at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Samuel loves his bath time. Today was the first time he has ever been able to sit up in it which adds a whole element of excitement. He loves being lathered up but would prefer not to be rinsed off! We are also apt to see some of his attitude emerge when it is time to come out and he isn't quite ready! I am sure this is only a glimpse as to what he will be like in a year or so! Yeah parenthood!
Posted by jenn at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Party Time
Last night we had our first official Christmas party. Mars Hill hosted a get together at the Best Western downtown. We all got dressed up and went out for the evening. We had appetizer, desert, punch and coffee. We also sang some traditional Christmas carols and decorated ornaments. Samuel did very well until the music started. He has been startling easily over the past week and we think between the noise and light he had enough. Whenever the music started he would look at Mike or I am end up screaming. We decided the lobby was a much better place to be! By the end of the night we were all exhausted and ready to climb into bed. Let the holiday season begin!!
Posted by jenn at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Samuel is such a camera ham! Of course we don't mind one bit! Learning how to sit up. Yes that's mom's hand, she thinks she needs to catch me!
Cuddle time with mommy!
Chillin' with daddy! Go Spartans!
Posted by jenn at 10:41 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 09, 2005
Warm Thoughts and Wedding Bells
The whole gang overlooking Seattle from Queen Anne hill!
Sending warm thoughts to all those back in the Midwest. From the looks of it you are all receiving tons of snow...maybe a snow day! Here the weather is a bit different. Yesterday and for the next 4-5 days it is sunny and mild. We were out shopping yesterday in long sleeves and vests! It does get a bit chilly at night, but nothing compared to what we are use to. I think we will be in for a shock when we are home over Christmas!
Samuel and I are doing all the last minute things before Christmas. We are decorating a tree, making cookies and shopping! He is such a help with it all! He wants to pull all the lights and decorations off the tree, eat all the cookies and thinks he needs to be the center of attention in all the stores. Thankfully he is cute and people comment on that,not how loud he can be! Yesterday he and I went to the outlets and spent the money daddy made. We found lots of great things for everyone! You will have to wait and see!
If you haven't already heard...Angie and Caleb are engaged. Wedding plans are in the making. He asked her to marry him this past Wednesday (her birthday). They are planning an October 2006 wedding! Yeah...a party! Samuel is hoping he will be able to walk by then so he can dance the night away. Congrats Aunt Angie and (Uncle to be) Caleb!!
Posted by jenn at 9:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Happy Birthday
Today is Aunt Angie's birthday. When she was here for Thanksgiving we went to Tony Romas to celebrate. She loves cheesecake, but did share with us. We hope she has a fantastic day.
Also we have to wish a belated birthday to Uncle Mike. His birthday was last Wednesday (November 30). He is 17 now! For his birthday we went to Buca de Beppo's. He had candles, singing and ice cream...which he didn't share!
Posted by jenn at 8:27 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Well this is what we woke up to today. This is a picture off our back deck. Someone told me it didn't snow much here in Washington. Since this is our second day with considerable snowfall, I am beginning to doubt them. Luckily it is not enough that we are having to shovel yet! Samuel thought it was great. He reached out for it and was pretty confused when it melted before he could open his hand to see it. Bailey thinks she is back at home. She has been playing out in the yard and running through it.
Today we will continue to unpack the remaining boxes. Hopefully today is the last. We are still looking for a dining room table, hopefully we will find one cheap on We then should be pretty set. I promise to get pictures posted soon! Hope all is well with everyone!
Posted by jenn at 9:33 AM 5 comments
Friday, December 02, 2005
Play Date
Samuel is loving all the extra space in the new house (so are mom and dad). We are getting the last couple of rooms set and final boxes unpacked. Today we made a trip to Ikea, my favorite store. We found some cheap shelves for Samuel's room that I am going to attempt to stain in order to match his furniture. We also found some rugs for the hardwood floors and shoe racks. Mike's favorite purchase was his new chair. He has been looking at a chair at Ikea for over three years. I found one in the "As Is" section marked down over $100. We think it was only returned because there is no visible damage. All we had to get was the pad. He is thrilled. I am wondering if he will ever venture out of it.
Last night, Samuel had his friend Roxy over! Roxy's mom and I are in the same Tuesday night group. Roxy will be nine months old this month and is very mobile. I am beginning to see what I am in for in a few months. Anyway, the two love playing together. Samuel just stares at Roxy as she moves about. Roxy is very interested in Samuel's eyes and nose, good thing he doesn't seem to mind. Next week, Samuel will visit Roxy so Mike and I can have a date night! What's that?
Posted by jenn at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Playing Around
Yes, I know it has been awhile since I posted last...we have been a bit busy. Over the past week, we moved, my family was here for Thanksgiving, we moved, I had the flu and did I mention we moved! We are now officially in our house and are loving it. We still have plenty of boxes to unpack and more rooms to set up, but it is slowly feeling like home. It is so much better than the apartment. I will take some pictures and post them soon.
As for everything else, Mike continues to slave away at work and at school. November was a tough month in car sales so we are hoping December will be much better. School is winding down...two weeks left. Two weeks means lots of papers and finals to finish up! Mike will be plenty busy. I have been doing most of the moving, so am feeling a bit overwhelmed by boxes at this point. It is so nice to have space again though. I have a kitchen that more than one person can fit in at a time and Samuel doesn't have to share his room with the computer anymore. Speaking of Samuel, he continues to do well. He still is hanging on to his winter cold. Doctor says not to worry so I am trying not too. He doesn't act sick at all, just coughing. He has realized he has vocal cords and uses them often! Rolling from one side of the room to the other is also a new trick he thinks is great!
I will post Thanksgiving pictures and some snow pictures in the next couple of days. Yes, I said snow. We had our first snowfall today, actually sticking to the ground. People are rushing off to the stores and gas stations in case everything shuts down! It is an entirely different world!
Posted by jenn at 4:06 PM 0 comments