Little Man...
Four months already. It feels like just a few days ago you turned three months old. I heard a phrase the other day..."days crawl...weeks walk...months run...years fly." I can't believe how true this feels. In the day to day I sometimes wonder if we will make it through, but when I think of you being four months old I feel like the time has rushed by. Can't you just stay little longer?

You are such an amazing baby. You have always been so calm and easy going. You are happy with life as long as your belly is full and you have had a good nap. I am often having to set you down to help Samuel with something. It is amazing how easily you cope. You generally watch and often even smile at me. I wondered what life would be like having two boys. I never imagined it would be so busy and often times feeling so chaotic. Yet I wouldn't trade any of it.

You are starting to discover you hands and are amazed at what they can do. You are reaching out to grab things and are fascinated when they end up in your hands. We are constantly watching you as you are learning quickly how to put things in your mouth. So far you prefer large objects but soon enough we will have to make sure all Samuel's little toys are out of your reach!

You still sleep pretty well. You prefer to be next to mom and dad but are able to sleep on your own. You are wonderful to wake up to in the morning. We generally find you wiggling around and trying to get out of the swaddling job we put you in at night. When you see us your face lights up and you are filled with joy. You often squeal with delight and turn your face away from us like you are bashful. It is adorable. You quickly return your gaze to us and are thrilled when we reach in and pick you up. I hope you always start each day with a squeal of delight!

As I think about what it has been like to be a mother I am amazed that I can actually do it. It is by far the hardest job I have ever done and ever hope to do. The hours are tedious, the tasks often messy, the pay minimal and the vacation time non-existent. Yet I would fill out the resume all over again because of the smiles, the giggles, the cuddles and the unconditional love.
Love you-