Yesterday was Liam's six month well child check. His stats...
Weight: 18lbs 12oz (72nd percentile)
Height: 29.5 in (100th percentile)
So we knew he was tall, but didn't expect quite that tall. He has hit all his developmental milestones that they want him to at this point. He has started solid foods and is doing everything a typical six month old is doing.
Weight: 18lbs 12oz (72nd percentile)
Height: 29.5 in (100th percentile)

Additionally, we found out that not only does he have a normal ear infection, but also has both a middle and outer ear infection. It appears that his ear drum burst and is repairing itself now. He is on amoxicillin and ear drops for the next 10 days. We have to take him back in 8-10 days to make sure his ear drum closes back up. He is amazing. He has acted a bit sick the last couple of days by just wanting to be held more, sleeping more and having a minor cough. Monday he pulled on his ear once but other than that there has been nothing.
Samuel is doing amazingly well with potty training. He has gone two days without any accidents. We are now working on him telling us when he needs to go instead of us always reminding him and asking constantly. Yesterday, while we were out running around, he stayed dry for over several hours. He even went on big, public toilets without a problem. We keep our fingers crossed that he keeps up the great work. He is such a big boy now!