Samuel's Nana is here to visit for the few days. He of course is on his best behavior and proving mom and dad wrong right and left! Yesterday, we took Nana to one of Samuel's favorite places, the zoo. This time he actually loved the petting zoo. He chased the goats, stepped in the food dish and even kissed one on the back! He was also very interested in the lady with the poop scoop and the wheelbarrow full of it. Nice!

We also went out to dinner last night at the 5 Spot up on Queen Anne Hill. Nana and I had some fantastic fried chicken. Mike had fish and chips which must have been good because there wasn't a bite left. Samuel loved the green beans and french fries.

We also went out to dinner last night at the 5 Spot up on Queen Anne Hill. Nana and I had some fantastic fried chicken. Mike had fish and chips which must have been good because there wasn't a bite left. Samuel loved the green beans and french fries.