It is so crazy to think that today my baby turns 4! What in the world happened to the last 4 years? When did Samuel go from a dependent, quiet little newborn to a very independent, active 4 year old boy? Wow, time flies when you're having fun!
I thought it would be fun to look back at each of his birthdays. It is amazing to remember him at each of these times and realize how quickly he has grown up and how fun it has been to be part of it all.
1st birthday
Celebrated at a park in Bothell with friends. 
Elmo cake and decorations

Little Gym in the morning then celebrated at the same park in Bothell with friends.
Mickey Mouse cake and decorations

Celebrated at Uncle Doug's lake house in Coldwater with family
Cars birthday cake and decorations

Celebrated at his house in Coldwater with family and friends
Star Wars cake and decorations
Wow, I can hardly believe that it was four years ago today that daddy and I held you for the first time. You were such a blessing to us and we were so eager to start life with you. I remember those first few days. We survived on little to no sleep, ate Krispy Kreme donuts and Yesterdog chili cheese dogs and spent all day holding and walking with you. Nothing else in the world mattered to your daddy and I because we finally had you.
Not much has changed. We still survive on little to no sleep some nights, enjoy family pizza nights and spend whatever time you will let us snuggling with you. Still, nothing in the world matters because we still have you.
It has been amazing watching you go from a little newborn to a rough and tough four year old. You are such an amazing little guy and each day you make me smile and laugh. Lots of days you also make we want to pull my hair out, but for today we will forget that! You have grown into such an independent, gentle, compasionate and loving little boy. You have so much generosity and trust in your heart it reminds me of what is important in life. I love the way you embrace life, how you play and live with such determination and energy and how each night you remember to say your prayers.
This year the big thing has been Star Wars. I think daddy introduced you to it for not only your benefit but his. I love watching you and daddy play Star Wars Legos and how you both are so comfortable snuggled together watching the latest episode of The Clone Wars. You have such an imagination and you seem to be able to build a blaster or light saber out of anything (even chicken nuggets). You spend most of your days battling the droids and protecting our universe. You believe that the bad guys can be blasted away with a flick of your wrist and a bit of spit from the sound of the light saber. Just remember to always be one of the good guys.
Thank you so much for the past four years little buddy. You have taught me so much. I have learned much more about patience then I had bargined for. You have taught me that I can love someone unconditionally and with all my heart. I am a better person because of you. These four years have been rocky as your daddy and I have learned how to parent, how to discipline and how to follow through. Thanks for sticking with us. I hope this next year brings you more laughter, more joy and more happy memories.
May the force be with you commander Samuel.
Love you bunches-