Sunday, June 29, 2008

Picnics and Corndogs

With Mike being home and the weather being as beautiful as it has been we have been spending a lot of time outside. The other day, Samuel had a picnic lunch on the front lawn with daddy!

I also introduced the boys to corndogs a couple of weekends ago. They loved them. Samuel was so excited that there was "a hot dog hiding in there!" Both boys ate the whole thing! Liam loved it so much he wanted to chew on the stick when he was done! Great fun!

Wading Pool Fun

With summer in full force we have been spending a lot of time at the wading pool. It is a short 10 minute walk from our place. We generally walk down and spend an hour or so wearing the kids out before we head back home for naps. Here are a few pictures from our past couple of visits.