Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This past weekend the weather was great so we headed out to buy some sand for the sandbox. We filled it up and the boys loved playing in it . Liam has been in the sand at the playground, but he was pretty thrilled that he was able to have his very own box to play in.

Sorry about not having pictures of Samuel in the box...he was too busy eating grass (see below).

Eating Grass

Since the weather has been nicer, we have been able to get outside a bit more. I figured Samuel would remember from last year that grass doesn't taste the best...guess not. He started by pulling grass and watching it drop. He thought it was great that the wind could "make it fly."

He then got the bright idea that it might be good to eat. He asked me if he could eat grass. I told him he could try it if he wanted to but that it would probably taste pretty bad. He insisted that it was like salad and that he might like it. As soon as it hit his tongue he knew it was a bad idea. By then it was too late and he had a mouthful of grass.

He spit and sputtered for a few minutes before declaring "grass is yucky."
You live and learn I guess.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Alderwood Playplace

A while back we spent an afternoon hanging out with Jen and Katelynn at the Alderwood Mall play place. The boys had a great time and it was nice to be able to grab a coffee and enjoy a bit of adult time.

It is so nice that Samuel is getting better around groups of kids. He is so much more controlled and patient than he was just a few months ago. We can now go places and I feel that I can give him a bit of freedom instead of having to constantly watch his every move. It gives us both a much needed break!

Liam was thrilled to watch the big kids play. He was eager to join them and will be at it any day. There was a little girl fascinated by babies and spent lots of time sitting with us and playing with Liam and Katelynn. Liam was thrilled to get her attention!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Added Security

Hey...well the scariness of having pictures of the kids posted on the internet has caught up with me. I have been reading lately too many stories about people who find their pictures (from either a blog or a flickr type account) posted on various websites (myspace, facebook, etc.). There are people out there stealing others pictures and calling them there own. There are also situations in which the child's pictures are being used inappropriately and in a very child pornography way.

So not cool.

That being said I feel that it is my duty as a mom to protect my children and that includes from the internet as well. I have marked all my photos on my Flickr account as viewable by only friends and family. On May 1st, I will also be making this blog private. You will have to be invited to view it and may require a pass code to do so. I am not sure of all the details yet but will let you know as it gets closer.

So, how do you still see our pictures on Flickr?
Watch your inbox for the next couple of days. I will be sending an invite to people that I know view our pictures. Since I don't have everyone email address, if you don't get an invite it doesn't mean we don't love you, I just don't have your address. Email me and we can get it all worked out. I know this is a pain but I feel that in order to protect the boys I either do this or I quite posting pictures. Sorry but I know you all understand and would do the same for your kiddos.

As for the blog, on May 1st you will be receiving an invite for this also. If for some reason you don't or think that I may not have your email address let me know and I will make sure you are on the list. Thanks so much for understanding. Stick with me as we work through all the security details.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our Weekend

Our biggest news of the weekend was that Daddy came back! Mike arrived Saturday afternoon and Samuel was thrilled to see him. I guess I didn't realize how much he would miss him but it was pretty evident by the smile on his face as soon as he saw Daddy in the airport. Saturday was also one of the best weather days we have had this year. After naps, we decided to head over the University Village to walk around, have dinner and spend some time outside.

After playing in the kids play area and eating dinner we walked by the fountain. It is really cute actually. There are frogs and a turtle that squirt water back and forth. There were kids playing in the water and Samuel was eager to join them. Since we had extra clothes we figured why not? Samuel was pretty hesitant at first. He stood on the side and watched everyone else. He then got a bit braver and started plugging the holes that the water was coming out of. His final and bravest attempt was to go underneath the arches of water. Although the story is great told it is much better in pictures.

I still laugh out loud when I see these pictures. Talk about being in the right place at the right time with camera in hand!

Liam spent the time watching all the kids and I am sure wishing he could join them all.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Our Weekend

This weekend was full of fun and exciting surprises. Saturday Mike and I got to spend some time reflecting over the last 10 years. It was so nice to look back and remember how we met, how we fell in love and what our roller coaster of a ride has been. It is crazy to think that we have known each other for 10 years!

Saturday afternoon the guys took Mike out for a beer while I put the finishing touches on a surprise party. Since Mike turned the big 30, there was need for celebration. With the help some very gracious friends we made 15 pounds of potatoes, 30 sausages and onion gravy (Bangers and Mash). He was genuinely surprised and the party was fantastic. Lots of great food, Guinness and friends! I will have to post some pictures when I get them from Jessi...she was on camera duty for me.

Sunday morning we all rolled out of bed and headed to brunch with the DeWaals and Johns Bowlings. We ate at a wonderful cafe, Portage Bay Cafe, and all left so full we could burst. Since we needed to take to work off some of the food we headed over to the University of Washington to walk through campus. The cherry bloosoms were beautiful and we got some great pictures.

Aunt Angie was also here for the weekend. It was so nice to have an extra set of hands. The boys loved having her around. Samuel was especially sad to see her go.

Overall we had a fantastic weekend. I was a bit tired though...good thing you only turn 30 once!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Wanting to Move

So Liam is about to move into the stage of mobile. AHHHHH! I was secretly hoping that maybe he wouldn't decide to start moving until he was around 5 but looks like it might happen before then. Liam has been sitting up for awhile now and is just been much more interested in things around him. He has been caught rolling over pretty frequently and has now moved to going from sitting to his belly fluidly. He then attempts to start crawling but is in the process of figuring out how to make all his limbs coordinate movement without ending in a face plant.

Liam has also been very interested in pulling himself up on anything that is close. This is often my legs or a couch but yesterday was the laundry basket. I grabbed the camera and caught these shots.


The Peek...

Settling for a nice gnaw (teething?)

Caught in the act!

I think it will be all too soon that Samuel and I will be chasing Liam around the house. I am hoping he will only be interested in his and Samuel's toys and will leave all the other stuff alone. I know another unrealistic hope but can you blame me? We will keep you updated!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Soccer Balls

Yesterday Samuel, Liam and I headed out to the park to meet some friends. The boys both got soccer balls for Easter and needed to get them dirty. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Here is Samuel is full action. He is running and kicking and I have to say pretty well! Maybe a soccer player in our future?

Liam decided that sitting and holding his soccer ball was safest at this point!

This might be one of my favorite shots ever. Samuel is fascinated by his shadow. He was so excited that "he do it like me mom!" I had to smile and tried to remember when something so little brought me so much joy!