This past Saturday, we all celebrated Jocie turning 2! It is so hard to believe that all the kids are hitting 2 already! We had a great get together...

We all were able to create our own pizzas. The kids all helped out and came up with some very creative and interesting masterpieces. Samuel was very excited about putting the cheese on. We won the "Most Professional" award!

While the pizzas were cooking, the kids each were able to decorate a pot.

Samuel then chose a chili plant to put into his pot. He was pretty proud of himself and had to show daddy as soon as we got home!

After pizza we all sang Happy Birthday and ate yummy cake. Jocie even blew out all her own candles without spitting all over the cake!

Jocie then showed all of us her backyard and beautiful garden. The kids explored, played with bubbles and even ate a few raspberries right off the bush!

And here they are...the fantastic five!
Koen, Samuel, Jocie, Roxy and Matia!
It has been amazing to watch these kiddos grow up together.
Great friends...great memories!