Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Unfortunate Side Effect...

Ever since we moved to Seattle, we have slowly began to realize that there are definite side effects that come with living here. For example...

-driving down I-5 and being amazed by the beauty of Rainer,
-the city shutting down when there is a threat of snow,
-rain, rain, rain,
-waking around a store and being surprised when a dog is standing next to you,
-traffic jams at the strangest times of the day,
seeing- a man in a business suit and a man dressed to go into the wilderness for a week within one block of each other,
-warmer winters and cooler summers,
and the latest...
-Starbucks sucking in even the youngest of us!

Samuel watches Mike and I drink coffee (way to often) and is now able to recognize the Starbucks label anywhere. The other morning, Mike came home with coffee and Samuel immediately said "hot" pointed to the Starbucks label and said "Babucks!" He then wanted to have his very own holder for his cup. He walked around very proud of his new cup!