Wow! It is so hard to believe that Samuel is actually 2 years old. Here are a few shots of his birthday weekend!

On his birthday he got to wear the Mickey Hat all day! What an exciting time. Daddy took the day off of work so we went out to breakfast, down to the airport to pick up
Philipp and Johanna, to
IKEA then to the pool! A great day!

Saturday morning Samuel had his Little Gym class. We decided to start these classes as a special activity just for Samuel, especially after baby arrives. He loves do mom and dad. They are a great chance for him to use all his energy in very productive ways. He loves the class and talks about it all week!

Living up to his nickname...monkey!

Walking on the beam.
Although Mike is holding his elbows, he has great balance and needs very little supporting!

Saturday afternoon we had finally had the
eagerly awaited...MICKEY CAKE. After spending weeks trying to find a Mickey cake and having no
success we went for the easy way. I found the Mickey figures at the Disney store and we put them on a cake. He was so excited he couldn't even get the whole phrase out. It sounded a lot like..."Mick...Mick...Mickey...Mickey...Mickey Cake....MY MICKEY CAKE!! Worth every single stop at every single bakery in Washington!

We had a get together with all Samuel's friends at a local park. We had a great cookout and the kids had the chance to play. Here they are with
their sidewalk chalk, bubbles,
play dough and Mickey ears!

Always time for a piece of happy cake!

Samuel even got his very own Mickey car. It was popular amongst all the kiddos!

Roxy and Samuel riding away into the sunset!

The little it really been two years!