Since I didn't have a chance to post these before we left for Michigan, I figured I would do it now. The Saturday before Samuel and I left for Michigan we celebrated our good friend, Jon's 28th birthday. As tradition has it, he always gets a fall themed birthday party complete with apple bobbing. For the past three years, crazy men have decided that sticking their head in a freezing cold bucket of water to pull out as many apples as they can in one minute is a good idea. These year was no different...

All the names went in a hat and one at a time they each took their turn. I think it is luckier if you get to go first. After 10+ men stick their heads in the same bucket of water going after the same apples the water is a bit gross and the apples are a bit beat up and torn apart.

Mike was able to go somewhere in the middle . He learned a bit from last year and this year came prepared with his goggles. I guess they helped because he held the lead after his turn. He was quickly passed by though and ended up finishing fourth. I guess there is always next year!
Being "all boy" that he is, Samuel wanted to join the fun also. Instead of allowing him to go in head first, which I do believe he would have loved to try, he got his turn with daddy's help. He loved it and wanted more!