Daddy, Samuel and Gram outside our favorite place to shop...The Central Market!

Prior to our long haul back to Michigan, Gram was able to make it out our way for a visit. She came over Memorial Day weekend and stayed for five days. Samuel gets so excited when he sees family. It has been a lot of fun watching him interact and remember everyone so well.
Of course having Gram hear meant that Samuel was spoiled for a couple of days. Here they are sharing ice cream! Samuel had to use his own spoon and scoop it himself. After a few minor messes and lots of sticky fingers he was a pro!
While Gram was here we kept busy with lots of fun Seattle activities. We took a ferry ride to Kingston for the day. While we were there we walked around the little towns, ate wonderful ice cream and played in the park. Samuel loved the boat ride and was sad when it ended.

Samuel and Mommy on the way to Kingston!

Our little beach bum!

Brave until the waves started coming in.
Run...Run for your lives!