I feel the need for quick updates on everyone...
Mike started work at the BISD on Monday. He walked into a classroom that hadn't been cleaned all summer and appeared that whoever was there last left and never came back to put anything away. To say the least it was a bit overwhelming for him. So far he has been through a lot of trainings and meetings, gotten great advise from people who either work with him or have worked in his position, has set up the physical structure of the classroom and is beginning to figure out curriculum, level systems and whatever else he needs before Tuesday. He also meets with Bruce for his internship tonight to talk over the details of that. I think once school starts and he gets into the swing of things everything will even out and begin to feel a bit more manageable then it currently does.
I have been spending most of my days with the boys. We have frequented the gym a few times where I get to work out and the boys get to play in the supervised kid area. I have also done lots of running around looking at things for the house, getting ideas for the remodel, buying school supplies and helping both Mom and Mike with setting up their classrooms.
Samuel is as crazy as ever. He starts preschool on Tuesday and will be going half days two days a week. He is so excited about it and wants to hear preschool stories every night. He talks a lot about he new friends and all the things he will be doing. During the day he loves riding his new cars or bike outside. He also would be in the pool nonstop if he was allowed. He is becoming quite the little boy with all the things he says and the mannerisms he is developing. Notice the toe nails in the picture below. Sonya, his babysitter and Uncle Mike's girlfriend, introduced him to nail polish. He was so excited to show me when I came home. Very cute!

Liam has probably had the biggest change. He is walking! He still prefers the crawling since he is really fast at it, but is walking like a champ now too. He will easily go around the living room from chair to chair and has even attempted larger hikes as well. I think the other day I counted 39 steps before he sat and crawled the rest of the way. He is also signing and talking a lot more. He can sign please, more and all done now. We also figured out when he yells what sounds like "da da" to us he is really yelling at Samuel. Very funny!

Because his curls are so cute...
Bailey is doing great. She traveled extremely well and is seeming to enjoy Michigan. My parents also have a chocolate lab, Coco, so Bailey has a friend 24/7. She still spends most of her day sleeping as far away from the kids as she can. She is loving the big deck where she can lay and sun herself. We have not yet introduced her to the new house since there are staples and carpet tack strips laying out. We will soon. I am sure she will love all the land to run through.
There is a quick update on some of our lives. I will try to keep everyone a bit more updated in the future!
I have been spending most of my days with the boys. We have frequented the gym a few times where I get to work out and the boys get to play in the supervised kid area. I have also done lots of running around looking at things for the house, getting ideas for the remodel, buying school supplies and helping both Mom and Mike with setting up their classrooms.

Bailey is doing great. She traveled extremely well and is seeming to enjoy Michigan. My parents also have a chocolate lab, Coco, so Bailey has a friend 24/7. She still spends most of her day sleeping as far away from the kids as she can. She is loving the big deck where she can lay and sun herself. We have not yet introduced her to the new house since there are staples and carpet tack strips laying out. We will soon. I am sure she will love all the land to run through.