Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We have had a couple of really nice days following the massive rain storms. We have made the best of them by playing outside each afternoon. Both boys love being outside and getting into everything. Here they are enjoying yesterdays sun. Liam loves this car. He will open the door, climb in, sit down, pretend to drive, get out, close the door and push it to wherever he wants to go. He will then repeat the process over and over.

Samuel has two new bikes at Nana and Papa's. Here is in on one of them. This one is a bit harder for him and something he can grow into. He loves the tricycle he has and will ride it to the end of the road and back over and over. He also is willing to wear his helmet but most times by the time he makes his way back it is falling off. Guess we better figure out how to get it a bit tighter.


Liam has been quite the handful lately. He is into everything! If he isn't trying to get downstairs to get to the cordless phone or the computer mouse, he is in the laundry room getting into the dog's water. Walking has slowed his pace a bit but since he is pretty steady on his feet now he is getting faster everyday.

A few mornings ago I was attempting to get Samuel dressed for preschool while Liam was playing with cars in the living room. Not a minute later as I am getting Samuel's shoes on I round the corner to find Liam picking through the trash. Apparently there was a really cool lid and straw in there that he wanted to play with. He was so proud of himself I could hardly punish him! What next...?