There is just something so cute about boys in baseball hats.
Liam is now crawling and getting fast. This has put a whole new twist on Samuel learning to share since Liam is now capable of getting into all the toys Samuel use to keep out of reach. I am just waiting for Liam to pound his brother for all the crap he has given him. Liam also now has three teeth that have finally broken through. Teething has been rough for all of us and I will be thankful when he gets all of them in. Otherwise he continues to be a great little boy, very laid back and go with the flow. He loves being outside, especially at the park where he just watches all the big kids run.
Samuel is as active as ever, thankfully the weather is getting nicer and we can be outside much more. Samuel has also made a huge turn around with playing with other kids on the playground. He is taking his turn and sharing so much more now which has actually made going to the park enjoyable. His language continues to develop daily and he is able to express more and more which has been helpful with the frustration of being a two and a half year old. He is so excited to start preschool this fall and talks about all the work he will do when he goes to school. Samuel is a great big brother, always looking out for Liam and making sure he is included in everything.
Gotta love 'em.

Gotta love 'em.