Wednesday, February 01, 2006

On the Move

Samuel is officially moving. Although we won't call it a crawl yet, he can get from point A to point B and quickly! We no longer can put him down and guarantee that he will be there when you check back. He does get up in the crawl position easily and rocks. He then inches his legs forward, drops to his tummy and pulls forward with his arms. It is actually pretty amazing to watch! I can hardly believe that he has picked that up within the last two or three days! We are currently baby proofing the house!

Today was also our first day of Gymboree gymnastics. As you could have guessed, he loved it. He was so excited he ended up laughing so hard he fell over several times. Everyone got a hoot out of him. He loved the slides and watching the balls roll up and down them. We also discovered how much he loves bubbles! We go every Wednesday for the next 12 weeks. I will try to get some pictures soon!

Also...check out the website for a video of him crawling!