It is so hard to believe that you are already three weeks old! Where has our time gone? I know they always say enjoy every moment because before you know it they will head off to kindergarten then off to's true. Slow down...stay little for a bit longer!

You continue to amaze us each day with all the little things that you already do. You have been lifting your head now for a week or so and have repeatedly tried to throw yourself off our shoulders. We are not sure where you are going, but you seem to be trying to escape. I guess Samuel has already filled you in on us as parents. We promise we will try and do better.

This week you took your first family walk. We pulled out the limo, strapped everyone in and headed for one of our favorite placed...Dairy Queen. Samuel was very concerned about you and had to make sure everything was just right. On the way home he wanted to push the stroller and since we figured there would be several times in your life that you will have near death experiences, probably initiated by your big brother, you might as well start now.

Feeding you is finally getting easier for me. You love to eat and are eager to do so that is unless you are in the middle of one of your marathon naps. You have been so patient with mom as we try and figure out this breast feeding thing. I know you would prefer steak, potatoes and a beer, but until you are at least 6 months old the beer is staying in the fridge mister.

This week, you have also started to show us a little bit of your attitude. You sleep beautifully, but when you wake up you are ready to eat and can't seem to understand why you are not being fed immediately. I believe your cry goes something like this..."uh MOM...DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME...I SAID I WANTED TO EAT 10 MINUTES AGO!"
You also get a bit upset at us if you are not changed rather quickly after filling your pants. This is one that we are getting pretty good at since you seemed to have inherited your Papa's, Uncle Mike's and Daddy's loud, deadly and rude noises!

I still have to say that you are one of the most amazing, sweet, patient and loving little boys I know. I am so happy to say that you are mine!