This past weekend we packed up and headed out to Gold Basin campground off Mt. Loop Highway for a few nights away. Yes...I am a week away from my due date, yes...we have a 2 year old, yes...we hiked two miles, yes...I slept on an air matress on the ground and yes...we had fun!
Here are a few pictures to highlight the weekend!

Philipp cooking his burger over the fire. We had a bit of trouble the first night with cooking, but no one straved. The rest of the weekend went much better!

Saturday morning Samuel was up at 6! Daddy decided to take him down to the river for awhile so the rest of the camp could sleep. They spent two hours exploring. Samuel loves climbing on the rocks, throwing rocks in the water and just being a boy!

Saturday afternoon we decided to take a hike. We headed up to Borgman Lake. It is a 0.8 mile hike into an alpine lake. It was a pretty easy hike. Mommy made it without having the baby and Samuel walked all on his own also.

Once we made it we took some time to play. Philipp and daddy went swimming, Samuel threw more rocks in the water and Johanna and I sat and ate cherries! We then hiked back out and enjoyed a drive back to camp with the air full blast!

Sunday morning we packed up camp and Samuel and I headed home. Philipp, Johanna and Mike decided to brave Mt. Pilchuck. They made it despite the bugs and huge elevation gain.

It was a great weekend away! I am glad we decided to go instead of waiting here for baby to make an apperance. We would still be waiting...