Monday afternoon, for the third time, I went to Samuel's room to get him up from his nap and I was surprised when he met me at the door. He seemed a bit surprised also and looked at me, looked at his crib and said "out?" All I could do was laugh. I guess I should have expected it since he is an active boy and likes to climb, but I was hoping to keep him behind bars a bit longer. So, at a mere 19 months of age we are transitioning him to a big boy bed!
When daddy got home last night we headed over to Babies R Us to get one of the bed rails so that we don't find him on the floor every few hours then headed home for the big construction project. Samuel was pretty excited about the whole thing. He watched us take the front of his crib off then he helped me make his bed. He then climbed up on it and just sat there looking very proud of himself. A bit later when we peeked at him he had taken a few books to his bed to look at.
Then it was time for the true test......will he actually sleep in his bed?? Mike and I went through the normal routine then started to talk about how he was going to sleep in his big boy bed tonight. It took a bit longer to get him to fall asleep, but he did finally with daddy sitting and singing next to him. The night went as smoothly as expected considering he is also still getting over being sick. He didn't seem to be up more often because of the bed, but I guess as the nights roll on we will find out.
Today, Samuel was very excited about taking his nap. After I got him cleaned up from lunch he grabbed his blanket and said "night-night" I took advantage of this rare opportunity and went into his room with him. I tucked him all in with his blanket, his cup, cookie and cow of course and sat down next to the bed. Within about 20 minutes he was sound asleep. I'll let you know how it goes!