Today you turned two months old. It is so hard to believe that you have been with us for a very long yet very short two months. There are times in the day that it feels like you are so new and yet at times when I forget what life was like before you were here. I find myself wanting to hold onto all these little, precious moments because I know how quickly you are changing and how all too soon you will be a little boy and no longer a baby.

It is amazing to watch you grow and discover the world. You are enthralled with your brother, Samuel and often just watch him as he moves around the room. You are so curious and I wonder how quickly you will start imitating him and trying to be just like him. Samuel loves you more than we could ever had imagined. He sits with you when you are in your bouncy seat or your swing and talks to you nonstop. He is also very gentle and loving and is quick to respond to any little noises you make. He helps by patting your chest, getting you a binky or singing his "oooh ahhh" song to you.

You have has a few more firsts this month. About a week ago you blessed Samuel with your very first purposeful smile. Although I was hoping I would be the first to get the toothless grin Samuel is also a good option. You now smile at familiar faces and have even laughed a few times. You are also beginning to make noises other than crying. Although you don't "speak" much now I am sure there will be more in the weeks to come. Maybe you will be one of those people who is so often quiet that when they open their mouths you know it will be good.

You are still an amazing sleeper and seem to love your sleep as much as mommy loves hers. You are often in bed by 9 and will sleep until about 4am. You then quickly eat and head back off to dreamland until around 7 when Samuel wanders in and wakes us both. You also nap well, but would prefer to do so in either our arms or the Moby wrap. Although I hardly get anything done, I love snuggling with you and holding you close.

The hardest thing right now is the fact that you seem to hate the car. As soon as we put you in your car seat you start screaming. You could be full, dry and sound asleep and somehow you realize where you are and are not happy about it. This is a real challenge since we live about thirty minutes from everywhere we need to go. It has been really stressful for everyone in the car. We often talk to you, Samuel will sing to you and we end up stopping often. I hope this is something you will grow out of...quickly.

A fear that I had before you came along was could I love baby number two as much as I love baby number one. I had been told that at first sight of you I would fall in love all over again and somehow I would have enough room in my heart to love you just as much as I love Samuel. They were right!