Where or where does time go? 2 years old already? How did that happen?
It is crazy to think that it was already two years ago that we were pleasantly surprised with Liam. I am sure the number of sleepless nights over the past few years has clouded my memory but here is how I remember it.
On the 19th, your daddy and I were awaken by Samuel who didn't believe in sleeping in past 5:30am. Daddy let me sleep for a bit but I was pretty uncomfortable. I asked him to stay home from work that morning just because I "felt funny." We walked up to the Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee and see if I would feel better. I didn't. It didn't feel like labor, at least not what I remembered from your brother. I decided to call my midwife and ask her a few things. Once we were talking she thought that we should stop in to make sure everything was fine. We headed down to see her around 11:30am.
As soon as I walked in the office, she smiled at me and said something along the lines of "you are in labor. " I figured she was crazy because this certainly was not what I recalled from previous experiences. She checked me out and congratulated me since I was going to be having a baby that day. I remember thinking she was still crazy and that I was not having a baby, Nana didn't arrive until tomorrow night! We went to the beach and spent some time playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water. Actually daddy and Samuel did that while I battled the contractions that had started and were coming harder and much more regular.
After lunch and another conversation with the midwife, we dropped Samuel off to Jen and Tucker and headed home to rest. You let me sleep for a whole three hours before you figured we should get the party started. Around 8:00pm that night Jon and Annie came over to stay with Samuel so we could go to the birth center when we needed to. Around 10:30pm we decided it was time.
Your labor was much smoother and controlled than I had expected. Daddy and Trish were great coaches for mommy. We spent lots of time walking and relaxing in the tub. Around 4:30am you decided it was time to meet the world and shortly after at 4:46am you did. You surprised us all by being a little boy since mommy was certain you were going to be a girl. Daddy and I were so happy to see that you were healthy and so alert. We spent some time checking out all your fingers and toes while we decided on your name. We also were able to call our family and announce your arrival. Most of them were sound asleep since it was only 1:46am in Michigan.
You started eating and responding right away so after only three hours we were able to head home. Daddy and I were so eager to introduce you to Samuel. We were home around 8am and spent the morning just watching you. Samuel was fascinated with you and wanted to hold and kiss you nonstop. It was a great beginning to this incredible journey.
It is crazy to think that it was already two years ago that we were pleasantly surprised with Liam. I am sure the number of sleepless nights over the past few years has clouded my memory but here is how I remember it.
On the 19th, your daddy and I were awaken by Samuel who didn't believe in sleeping in past 5:30am. Daddy let me sleep for a bit but I was pretty uncomfortable. I asked him to stay home from work that morning just because I "felt funny." We walked up to the Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee and see if I would feel better. I didn't. It didn't feel like labor, at least not what I remembered from your brother. I decided to call my midwife and ask her a few things. Once we were talking she thought that we should stop in to make sure everything was fine. We headed down to see her around 11:30am.
As soon as I walked in the office, she smiled at me and said something along the lines of "you are in labor. " I figured she was crazy because this certainly was not what I recalled from previous experiences. She checked me out and congratulated me since I was going to be having a baby that day. I remember thinking she was still crazy and that I was not having a baby, Nana didn't arrive until tomorrow night! We went to the beach and spent some time playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water. Actually daddy and Samuel did that while I battled the contractions that had started and were coming harder and much more regular.
After lunch and another conversation with the midwife, we dropped Samuel off to Jen and Tucker and headed home to rest. You let me sleep for a whole three hours before you figured we should get the party started. Around 8:00pm that night Jon and Annie came over to stay with Samuel so we could go to the birth center when we needed to. Around 10:30pm we decided it was time.
Your labor was much smoother and controlled than I had expected. Daddy and Trish were great coaches for mommy. We spent lots of time walking and relaxing in the tub. Around 4:30am you decided it was time to meet the world and shortly after at 4:46am you did. You surprised us all by being a little boy since mommy was certain you were going to be a girl. Daddy and I were so happy to see that you were healthy and so alert. We spent some time checking out all your fingers and toes while we decided on your name. We also were able to call our family and announce your arrival. Most of them were sound asleep since it was only 1:46am in Michigan.
You started eating and responding right away so after only three hours we were able to head home. Daddy and I were so eager to introduce you to Samuel. We were home around 8am and spent the morning just watching you. Samuel was fascinated with you and wanted to hold and kiss you nonstop. It was a great beginning to this incredible journey.

Quite an adventure it has been. Together we have lived in three different houses and traveled from the west coast to Michigan. Mommy has learned that there is someone in this world who may give her a run for her money when it comes to stubbornness. Daddy has discovered that two boys is a lot of fun. We have begun to figure out the precise juggling of two year old independence, thirty year old opinions, combined stubbornness and a bit of spontaneity. Although daddy and I thought we should have already had all this figured out we are realizing that the second time around is really just as much of a learning curve as it was on the first go.

I know this next year will be a good one for us. I look forward to watching you grow into an independent little boy. I know you will continue to amaze me each day and remind me of what really is important when the day is done. I hope to be as good of a mommy to you as you are a son to me. Just remember that mommy is always ready for one of those Liam hugs. I love you little man!

love, mama