This picture was taken awhile ago, but forgotten about. I know someday Samuel will kill us for this, but for now it is pretty cute. Samuel loves his bath time! He also loves crawling around naked both before and after! Yes, we have had a few accidents on the floor! Here he is trying to get away from getting pajamas on!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Naked Baby
Posted by jenn at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Big Boy
As you can see, Samuel is becoming a very independent eater! He can eat just about anything now and is very interested in what we are eating. He will still eat some pureed foods, but generally is in a very "do it myself" mood. Here he is eating lunch. He has a grilled cheese sandwich, cheese cubes, grapes and bananas. He also loves his sippy cup, but still needs a bit of help with the mechanics of it! It is nice that he can eat off our plates now!
Posted by jenn at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Our First Hike
We all went on our first family hike today. The last time we went out was the day we went into labor. Since it had been nine months, we now live in a beautiful state full of great hikes and the weather hit 70, we decided to get out and get moving. We found a trail about 45 minutes from our house. Wallace Falls and Wallace Falls National Park are part of the Cascades. The trail has three destination points, lower, middle and upper falls. It ranges in distance from 4 miles to 6 miles and elevation from 807 feet to over 1600 feet. We decided to go only as far as the lower falls for our first hike. Samuel loved the hike, I would too if someone carried me the whole way. He thought he was pretty hot stuff riding way up on mom and dad's backs. He spent most of his time looking around, talking and clapping! We took plenty of time to stop and enjoy some of the great views and took a pit stop at the lower falls to refuel with water, nuts and toast (Samuel of course!). We decided that we would have to make this a more frequent affair if we wanted to see the state while we were here.
Mike, Bailey and I were exhausted by the time we were finished. Yes, Samuel was tired too!
Posted by jenn at 6:47 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Guess what someone has learned to do? Yes, Samuel has figured out drawers and cabinets. He is now officially into everything. Luckily, most of the cabinets are safe for him to be in, so we let him explore. It is always a new surprise mess! Bad news is that we have yet to find a latch system that works with the cabinets. They way the cabinets are designed where typical systems would screw in, the wood is so thin it will crack! Don't worry, we always have a very close eye on him!
Posted by jenn at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 17, 2006
Happy Easter
We had a pretty good Easter weekend. On Saturday, Samuel went to the Lynnwood egg hunt. They had different sections for different age groups. Samuel was in the 0-2 years old group. He loved it. We put him down and he would quickly crawl to an egg, pick it up, try to eat it and head to the next! He found six eggs in all! We then headed over to Target so Samuel could pick out his basket. He chose Elmo! He loves it. We also got plastic eggs that he carries around in his Elmo basket!
Sunday, we were invited down to Jon and Annie's parents for Easter dinner. It was a fantastic dinner and great time to meet new people and share a meal. Samuel did very well in church, actually slept most of the service! He then was able to explore around and very "un baby-proofed" house. The weather turned out to be pretty nice so we did get to be outside for a bit. Although we all missed being with family on Easter, we were able to celebrate this special day together!
Posted by jenn at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 13, 2006
More Spring Break
Ok, today is the last posting of Spring Break pictures. I just keep finding cute pictures that I want to share with everyone. Samuel loved the swings on Spring Break. He would smile and laugh as long as you kept pushing. He even would try to crawl across the hot sand to get to them. Daddy said that we might have to find one for him to have at home.
The reason we were in Florida in the first place was to watch Uncle Mike play baseball. Samuel didn't quite follow the games, but thought the batters on deck warming up were hilarious. We are sure he thought they were nuts for swinging so much and not hitting anything! This is a picture of Samuel and his Uncle Mike before the big Red and White game. I think they like each other just a little bit.
Uncle Mike earned lots of bonus points in Samuel's mind when he let him play in the bucket of balls. He thought he was pretty hot stuff!
The rest of our pictures are posted on the website. The link is to the right!
Posted by jenn at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Samuel loved to pool on Spring Break. He would watch anyone in the pool and was always eager to go in. He loved this float at the beginning of break, but realized it was too hard to splash. He was definitely not afraid to get his face wet. He even went under water a few times. Now at home the bathtub just doesn't compare!
Posted by jenn at 7:55 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 10, 2006
Samuel and I just got back from a 10 day vacation in Florida. I loved the warm weather and sun and Samuel loved the water and the sand. We joined Nana and Papa and spent the first part of our vacation in Lakeland watching Uncle Mike play baseball. We then spent our last 4 days in Orlando. Most days you could find us by (or in) the pool. Samuel loved splashing and didn't seem to mind the water in his face. He was quite the ham. More pictures will be posted on our homepage soon.
Posted by jenn at 4:22 PM 2 comments