This past week we were out and about and had to make a stop at the mall. Being the time of year the Easter Bunny was in full force. Samuel was all about waving and saying hi from a distance but wanted nothing to do with getting close to the overgrown, carrot eating, monster. Liam didn't really have a say in the matter and was pretty fascinated by it all. I did get to capture a few pictures of the event. Here is a brief conversation that I believe was playing out...
Liam: Help me!
Samuel: It's ok buddy. I am pretty sure he is a vegetarian.
Liam: Are you sure?
Samuel: No, but he doesn't look very hungry.
Samuel: Listen, mom does this to me every year. Just sit still, put your hands on your knees like this, say a little prayer and it will all be over soon.
Liam: Easy for you to say. You aren't the one sitting up here.
Liam: Ok, if you say it will be alright.
Samuel: Just look at mom and pretend you are excited. She will get a picture and we can get on to the toy store.
Liam: Thank goodness Santa is still 9 months away! By then I will be able to run away.
Samuel: Don't worry little dude, we have time to plot together!
Both: Cheese!