Writing yet another chapter to our lives...
Posted by jenn at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 12:44 PM 2 comments
So ladies and gentlemen...here it is. The new Clark Family blog. It is the same address just a different layout and name. All our old posts are still there and can be found in the archives on the bottom. The blog will also remain private.
In addition, we have started a separate house blog, Under Construction. This blog is intended to serve as a journal for us as we move through the process of the remodel. It will keep track our our progress and experience. There will also be plenty of before, during and after pictures. You can link to it here. You can also always find a link on the right side under Friends Who Blog.
Posted by jenn at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Nothing much happened today. We took off from Angie's around noon and had about a five hour drive to Mt. Pleasant, IA. We were able to drive most of it straight with only minor pitstops for bathroom breaks. We ended up arriving around dinner and were welcomed by The Pizza Ranch. We had one in Hudsonville when we lived in Jenison so were thrilled to see it there. After dinner we headed to the hotel and settled in to watch Michael Phelps win another gold.
Sorry no pics today.
Posted by jenn at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Well, I (Mike) had intended on making a series of posts titled "The Lance Chronicles"...but alas that won't be happening. I know, you're probably all wondering who "Lance" is. Lance was a dear friend, a member of our family, he meant much to us over the years...Lance, was our fish.
Before we left Seattle, we tried with all our might to give away Lance, we even considered releasing him into the wild (Green Lake that is). Then I had an idea. What if we just brought him with us? So, Lance traveled with us from Seattle to Minneapolis, where he now is "swimming with the fishes."
So this post is written in memoriam of dearest Lance. Here are a few photos from his final days with us. May he rest in peace.
Posted by jenn at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 6:40 AM 1 comments