Sunday, July 26, 2009

Birthday Parties

A few weeks ago we celebrated the boys birthdays with one big party. We had all the family and friends over for a day of playing and eating. The boys love being outside so they were thrilled to have their party in the back yard. We had all sorts of fun including a bounce house, a huge sandbox, a swimming pool and a pinata. The adults also were able to join in the festivities with horseshoes, ladderball and cornhole. Here are a few pictures from the day.
The pull string pinata. Mike thought it wasn't a real pinata unless you hit it with a bat. I thought it would be safer for a kids party! The kids still loved when the candy fell out.
The boys loved opening gifts and would get so excited with everything. Liam loved his bubble mower. He opened it yelled "bubbles!" then looked at me and asked "ME!" When he was told that it was for him he raised his arms up and yelled "yeah!"

I also decided that instead of spending a ton of money on special cakes that I would try to do them myself. Mike and I had a ton of fun planning and decorating the cakes. The boys loved them. I believe we have established a new tradition.
Liam's Elmo Cake
Samuel's Star Wars cake

We ended the evening with a bonfire complete with Smores. Lots of fun!

On each of the boys individual birthdays we also had dinner with my parents, swam and had cake. They also got a few presents that night. For some reason I don't have pictures of Samuel's but here are some of Liam's. We had lots of fun celebrating the boys birthdays this year. Happy Birthday boys!

Monday, July 20, 2009

2 Years Old

Where or where does time go? 2 years old already? How did that happen?

It is crazy to think that it was already two years ago that we were pleasantly surprised with Liam. I am sure the number of sleepless nights over the past few years has clouded my memory but here is how I remember it.


On the 19th, your daddy and I were awaken by Samuel who didn't believe in sleeping in past 5:30am. Daddy let me sleep for a bit but I was pretty uncomfortable. I asked him to stay home from work that morning just because I "felt funny." We walked up to the Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee and see if I would feel better. I didn't. It didn't feel like labor, at least not what I remembered from your brother. I decided to call my midwife and ask her a few things. Once we were talking she thought that we should stop in to make sure everything was fine. We headed down to see her around 11:30am.

As soon as I walked in the office, she smiled at me and said something along the lines of "you are in labor. " I figured she was crazy because this certainly was not what I recalled from previous experiences. She checked me out and congratulated me since I was going to be having a baby that day. I remember thinking she was still crazy and that I was not having a baby, Nana didn't arrive until tomorrow night! We went to the beach and spent some time playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water. Actually daddy and Samuel did that while I battled the contractions that had started and were coming harder and much more regular.

After lunch and another conversation with the midwife, we dropped Samuel off to Jen and Tucker and headed home to rest. You let me sleep for a whole three hours before you figured we should get the party started. Around 8:00pm that night Jon and Annie came over to stay with Samuel so we could go to the birth center when we needed to. Around 10:30pm we decided it was time.

Your labor was much smoother and controlled than I had expected. Daddy and Trish were great coaches for mommy. We spent lots of time walking and relaxing in the tub. Around 4:30am you decided it was time to meet the world and shortly after at 4:46am you did. You surprised us all by being a little boy since mommy was certain you were going to be a girl. Daddy and I were so happy to see that you were healthy and so alert. We spent some time checking out all your fingers and toes while we decided on your name. We also were able to call our family and announce your arrival. Most of them were sound asleep since it was only 1:46am in Michigan.

You started eating and responding right away so after only three hours we were able to head home. Daddy and I were so eager to introduce you to Samuel. We were home around 8am and spent the morning just watching you. Samuel was fascinated with you and wanted to hold and kiss you nonstop. It was a great beginning to this incredible journey.

only hours old

still one of my favorite first moments

one year old

enjoying your first cake

Quite an adventure it has been. Together we have lived in three different houses and traveled from the west coast to Michigan. Mommy has learned that there is someone in this world who may give her a run for her money when it comes to stubbornness. Daddy has discovered that two boys is a lot of fun. We have begun to figure out the precise juggling of two year old independence, thirty year old opinions, combined stubbornness and a bit of spontaneity. Although daddy and I thought we should have already had all this figured out we are realizing that the second time around is really just as much of a learning curve as it was on the first go.

I continue to learn more about myself each day that I raise you. I have learned that there is just as much room in my heart for you as there is for your brother. I was scared that I couldn't love two people the same but from the moment I held you for the first time I knew there was room. You challenge me to be a better mom each day. You continue to amaze me with your compassion, your love for animals and your desire to be independent. Your beautiful blue eyes can stop me dead in my tracks, especially when they are sparkling and paired with that cheeky smile only you have perfected. There is also nothing that compares to a Liam hug. The way you wrap your little arms around my neck and squeeze with all your might. If I am lucky I even get a little grunt. It makes me realize how the little things are what really matters.

I know this next year will be a good one for us. I look forward to watching you grow into an independent little boy. I know you will continue to amaze me each day and remind me of what really is important when the day is done. I hope to be as good of a mommy to you as you are a son to me. Just remember that mommy is always ready for one of those Liam hugs. I love you little man!
Happy Birthday!
love, mama

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Family Camp

At the end of June, we enjoyed a weekend away at family camp. The boys had a blast. Our good friends the Wischmeyers and the Millers were also able to join us. It was a weekend filled with warm sun, good friends and lots of laughter. We spent the majority of our time at the beach. The kids (and fathers) all played in the sand and water. We went on family canoe ride, did arts and crafts, ate smores and caught fireflies. It was a great weekend away and a super kickoff to our summer.

Monday, July 06, 2009

4 Years Old

It is so crazy to think that today my baby turns 4! What in the world happened to the last 4 years? When did Samuel go from a dependent, quiet little newborn to a very independent, active 4 year old boy? Wow, time flies when you're having fun!

I thought it would be fun to look back at each of his birthdays. It is amazing to remember him at each of these times and realize how quickly he has grown up and how fun it has been to be part of it all. 1st birthday
Celebrated at a park in Bothell with friends.
Elmo cake and decorations

2nd birthday
Little Gym in the morning then celebrated at the same park in Bothell with friends.
Mickey Mouse cake and decorations

3rd birthday
Celebrated at Uncle Doug's lake house in Coldwater with family
Cars birthday cake and decorations

4th birthday
Celebrated at his house in Coldwater with family and friends
Star Wars cake and decorations

Wow, I can hardly believe that it was four years ago today that daddy and I held you for the first time. You were such a blessing to us and we were so eager to start life with you. I remember those first few days. We survived on little to no sleep, ate Krispy Kreme donuts and Yesterdog chili cheese dogs and spent all day holding and walking with you. Nothing else in the world mattered to your daddy and I because we finally had you.

Not much has changed. We still survive on little to no sleep some nights, enjoy family pizza nights and spend whatever time you will let us snuggling with you. Still, nothing in the world matters because we still have you.

It has been amazing watching you go from a little newborn to a rough and tough four year old. You are such an amazing little guy and each day you make me smile and laugh. Lots of days you also make we want to pull my hair out, but for today we will forget that! You have grown into such an independent, gentle, compasionate and loving little boy. You have so much generosity and trust in your heart it reminds me of what is important in life. I love the way you embrace life, how you play and live with such determination and energy and how each night you remember to say your prayers.

This year the big thing has been Star Wars. I think daddy introduced you to it for not only your benefit but his. I love watching you and daddy play Star Wars Legos and how you both are so comfortable snuggled together watching the latest episode of The Clone Wars. You have such an imagination and you seem to be able to build a blaster or light saber out of anything (even chicken nuggets). You spend most of your days battling the droids and protecting our universe. You believe that the bad guys can be blasted away with a flick of your wrist and a bit of spit from the sound of the light saber. Just remember to always be one of the good guys.

Thank you so much for the past four years little buddy. You have taught me so much. I have learned much more about patience then I had bargined for. You have taught me that I can love someone unconditionally and with all my heart. I am a better person because of you. These four years have been rocky as your daddy and I have learned how to parent, how to discipline and how to follow through. Thanks for sticking with us. I hope this next year brings you more laughter, more joy and more happy memories.

May the force be with you commander Samuel.

Love you bunches-