Samuel and Bailey are learning to share! Bailey takes a lick then Samuel gets one! No, we didn't let him do this over and over, but it did serve its purpose once of getting a good picture. Bailey did not act to pleased about it, but once Samuel put the bone down Bailey gave him kisses!
By the way, Samuel is standing there unsupported! Mom's hands are close in case of a spill, but he is pretty steady!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Posted by jenn at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Mmmmm Banana
Samuel loves to eat! I guess most of you already knew that...
He enjoys rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes and carrots. The only thing we have tried that he doesn't enjoy are green beans. He makes some pretty disgusting faces and spits them out. He also had a diaper rash after eating them so we have taken them away for now. We will start peas next and then add another fruit! So far, so good.
Daddy was eating a banana this morning and Samuel was very interested. We broke off a piece and put it in this baby safe chewer thingy! It is a net that allows babies to eat food that is not pureed. It supposable teaches them to chew without allowing them to choke! Although it took him a minute to figure it out, he loved the banana!
Posted by jenn at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A Tooth!
Well the tooth has finally broken through! Samuel is very interested in his new tooth. He is constantly biting his fingers and apparently tongue (as see in this picture)! Eating has also become a bit more challenging! Just something new to get use to. Although he is a bit crankier than normal, it is still tolerable! No more toothless grins...
Posted by jenn at 8:33 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Ready to Move!
Samuel is getting closer and closer to crawling each day. When we sit him down, he quickly gets to his stomach and then up on all fours. He rocks back and forth and ends up scooting himself backwards each time. This quickly leads to frustration at not getting to where he wants to go. Quite the ordeal! Although I am amazed at his strength and coordination I am not sure I am ready for him to be mobile yet!
Tooth update...the two bottom teeth look pretty sore. They have not broken through the skin yet, but look like the will any day. He has been a bit fussy and is constantly chewing things, but overall tolerable! We will get a picture as soon as they arrive.
Posted by jenn at 1:11 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 20, 2006
Bath Time
Samuel loves his bath time. We have made it part of our bedtime routine (cereal, bath, lotion, books, bottle, bed) and he is thrilled. He is big into splashing and looses about half the water in his tub by the time he is done. Two nights ago, daddy got to do the bed time routine and discovered that Samuel now has enough hair to do the classic mohawk! To say the least, we have a clean kid!
Posted by jenn at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Jocie's Back
Samuel was so excited to have Jocie here to play today. The Mars Hill semester has started back up so Jocie is back over twice a week to play. It was amazing to see how much both of them grew up over the past month. Both are sitting up pretty easily now, both are getting up on all fours and rocking and both love to eat ( I guess some things never change)! Jocie also has two teeth that have broken through. Samuel is still waiting! Both Samuel and Jocie have also sparked a new interest in each other. They are very curious and are constantly grabbing at each other's ears, eyes, nose and clothes. I feel like a referee making sure there are not unfair eye jabs or hair pulls! Oh! What Fun!
Posted by jenn at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Go Bears!
Samuel spent the morning counting his money in hopes that he can somehow manage to scrap up enough to go to the Bears vs. Seahawks game next weekend. The Seahawks are doing their job by winning today, despite Alexander being injured, but the Bears have to hold up their end of the deal tomorrow. If so, Daddy promised to have every computer he knows and every phone he can manage working trying to get tickets that are promised to sell out very quickly. Guess we will have to wait and see. You can bet that tomorrow afternoon Samuel and mommy will be in their Bears outfits cheering them on (Daddy will be on the cell phone listening as he is trying to sell some cars!)! GO BEARS!
Posted by jenn at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 13, 2006
Staying Inside
SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- After 26 consecutive days of measurable rain, Seattle is closing in on a record so dismal even forecasters in this city famous for its gray skies are complaining.
With more wet weather predicted over the next several days, Seattle may soon break a record set in 1953. The city saw 33 consecutive days of measurable precipitation then -- the most since the National Weather Service office there started tracking rainfall in 1931.
Though Seattle is famous for its rain, the city's average annual rainfall from 1970 to 2000 was 37.07 inches, compared to 49.71 inches for New York City
I guess we will have to continue to play inside!
Posted by jenn at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Play Time
Samuel loves his toys from Christmas. Here he is playing with the Peek-a-Boo blocks. He enjoys when mom dumps them out and he can play with the container!
Check out the website for Christmas pictures and a new video of Samuel!
Posted by jenn at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Healthy Boy
Well, Samuel had his 6 month check up the other day and was released with a clean bill of health. He has slowed down in his growth a bit. 7th percentile for weight at 19 lbs and 80th percentile for height at 27 1/2 inches. He is estimated to be about 6'2" (not a big surprise). Doctor seemed very happy with his overall development. He said to expect crawling, standing up, lots more babbling and curiosity over the next few months!
Samuel has started the backwards crawl thing. He pulls himself up pretty well, but ends up scooting backwards and looking at us like it is our fault! He turns himself all the way around to reach anything he wants now. He has also developed a bit of stubbornness (not sure where he got that?) when we take something away. It has also been harder to distract him since he realizes the toy you took is probably behind your back! Time to get creative!
Posted by jenn at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Sweet Potatoes
Samuel has discovered real food! We started our adventure into big boy food last night. Samuel has been very interested in what we are eating all the time. He often reaches for food and even opens his mouth when we take a bite. Since he has been great with rice cereal, we decided to mix it up and add some sweet potatoes.
Yesterday, I boiled a whole sweet potato and pureed it. We got him all ready in his chair and started the video camera. He willingly opened his mouth and took the first bite. Was he in for a shock... sweet potatoes taste nothing like rice cereal. He just sat there with it in his mouth looking back and forth from Mike to me. He finally swallowed it, but the confused look remained. It took him several bites to warm up to it, but then we couldn't get it in fast enough. He ate every bite we gave him and would have taken more if we let him. Since this was the first time his stomach has had any real food we decided starting small was smart.
The only problem...he was not real pleased with rice cereal this morning!
Posted by jenn at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 06, 2006
6 Months Old
Happy 6 month birthday Samuel!
Wow! We can hardly believe he is already six months old. It seems like Samuel has been in our lives forever. Actually, we have forgot what life was like before him (movies, dates, sleeping 8 hours). Although parenthood has been a new road for us, we have loved every minute of it. Yes, even the sleepless nights, the poopy diapers and the inconvenience of carseats and strollers. We could not imagine our lives any other way. Samuel has been such a blessing to us. His (still) toothless smile and contagious laughter, his drooling and spitting trick and the sparkle in his eyes leaves us amazed that he is really here and he is really ours. It has been amazing to watch him grow and develop his own personality for the last six months. At this rate, we are really in for it over the next six months! I guess we are in for the adventure!
Happy Half Birthday Buddy!
Posted by jenn at 10:49 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
We had a wonderful holiday. Although we did a lot of traveling, we had a chance to relax and catch up with family and friends. Here are a few pictures from Christmas. Samuel loved all the attention and tissue paper. Samuel got an Infant/Toddler Leap Pad from Santa!
This is his new phone. It does letters, numbers and songs.
Samuel's new trick...eating tissue paper. He is really fast!
A new monkey!!
Samuel and Addison!
You can see all the Christmas picures at the website!
Posted by jenn at 1:07 PM 0 comments