Friday, July 14, 2006

Just an Update...

Not much has been going on in the Clark family household, but I thought I would take a minute and fill people in on what has been going on with us over the past month.

Mike did take the teaching job at Skyview Junior High for next year. He will be working in a "learning center" with moderatly impaired students. He is worried about it being too much with school, but I am going to try and do some of his paperwork for him and hopefully lighten the load. We do feel very blessed that he does have a full time job that is close to home and is flexible with his classes. We will have to see how it goes. This summer, Mike is working at Bellveue Christian Schools doing maintenance work. The job is great with his class schedule. He basically goes when he can and leaves when he has too. Hopefully it will remain a possiblity for him over Christmas and Spring break and then again next summer.

This does allow me to continue to be home with Samuel which we all feel is so important. I have also decided to pursue the chance to become a doula and am well underway to certification. I have a lot of paperwork to do and connections to make with people in the community (midwives, birthing centers, etc.). I hope to complete at least one of my three volunteer births yet this year. Additionally, next year I have been asked to serve on the Mars Hill student leadership team. I will be representing a group that I have been part of this year called Mosaic. It is intended to provide a community for spouses of students. I am very excited about this opportunity. It also helps me feel a bit more connected with what Mike is going through and how I can be supportive of him during the next two years.

Samuel is as amazing as ever. He seems to be coming up with something new each day. He is trying to communicate a lot more now. He makes all different sounds up that to him sound like words, but to us sound like babble. He does say "mama" "dada" and "bye" very clearly. He is working on both dog, cat and car, but so far only distinguished by mom and dad. He also has increased his sign language. He has added "all done" "thank-you" and occasionally "ball." He is completly walking now, even running at times. The climbing has also started so we have to be very careful of where we leave things. I am waiting for the day I come out of the bathroom and he is standing on the kitchen counter!

When we were back in Michigan we decided it was time to put our house back up on the market. It is in it's third week and has had some decent interest, but no offers yet. We really hope the market is good to us and we are able to sell quickly and painlessly. Please keep us in your prayers as selling the house would be a huge emotional and financial relief to us.

I think that's it for now. I am sure there is more, but it will have to wait. Time to play!