Aunt Kate and Cousin Addison are in town! They came in late last night and will be here until Friday. This morning after a pancake and grape breakfast, we headed out hiking. We found a "family friendly" hike just off of I-90. It was a mile hike into Franklin Falls. Samuel rode in his backpack and Addison walked some and was carried some. Rounding the last corner heading to the fall Addison exclaimed "Wow, look at the waterfall! Cool! Awesome." She was right, it was a pretty awesome 70 foot waterfall. We found a spot on the rocks and had a short picnic lunch before letting the kids play in the water. It was a bit cold for swimming, but great for throwing rocks in and walking through. We then headed back out and only had one minor injury when Addison tripped and skinned her knee. She recovered quickly and continued exploring with Uncle Mike.

The last 20 minutes of the car ride home was a different story.
I guess we were all ready to be back at home!
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