Today we took Samuel to the
Puyallup Fair. This is actually the second time he has gone, but since last time he was only 2 months old the memories are vague. We headed down to
Puyallup this morning with Jon , Annie, Trapper and Heather. While we were there we were able to see all sorts of animals, walk through exhibit halls, eat yummy fair food and go to the draft horses show. Samuel did well and seemed to have fun. Here are a few pictures from the day!

Samuel next to one of the largest pumpkins. This one weighed 946 lbs. The winner weighed over 1000! In the hottest days of the summer they calculated it to grow about 30 pounds per day!

Samuel liked the animals, especially the goats. A few were making a ton of noise back and forth. Samuel just sat and watched them. As he got brave and started to reach out to pet we had to move away. I prefer him with 10 fingers!

Here we are wasting away our
quarters playing
Skeeball. No winners today!

To say the least, we were all tired by the end of the day. Samuel slept through most of the draft horse show, even with all the clapping and cheering!
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