Yeah! I officially completed the Seattle Half Marathon Run. 13.1 miles sure is a long way! Here is the brief story and a few pictures from the day!
Back in July, Trish and I decided that we needed to get into shape, so we started running. Somewhere along the way the idea of the half marathon came up and we decided to take the challenge. We spent the next 12 weeks training for it.

Sunday morning we tackled the rain (expected in Seattle) and snow (not expected) and met up at a coffee shop within walking distance to the start line. We kissed our husbands bye and headed out with the rest of the crew to begin what would be the longest, hardest, sweetest run of our lives (to date that is).

Well, the race officially began at 7:30. Around 7:32 I reached the starting line and began a 2 1/2 hour run! Mike, Mary, Samuel and Paul decided to grab a quick breakfast before heading to the first meeting point! Yes, they showed up after filling up on coffee and Krispy Kremes!

The race actually went a lot better and smoother than I expected. Despite the rain and freezing temperatures, I was pretty warm and comfortable. The first seven miles went quick and I felt great! Mile 8 proved a different story. For some reason, we ended up running up one of the largest and longest hills in Seattle, at least it felt that way. Finally making it to the top our crew was there cheering us on!

Mile 10 and 11 were by far the hardest two miles for me. I often felt like slowing down and even stopping, but knew that I was so close to the finish line! Mile 11 gave me a surge of energy and carried me for the last two miles into the finish. I finished the race with an unofficial official time of 2:29:54. I was aiming to be below 3 hours but didn't expect 2 and a half. Yeah!

Afterwards, Trish and I were cold, tired and hungry, but the hunger won out and we headed out to lunch. A huge thank you to Jen and Tucker and Sam and Carol who came out to cheer us on! I was so nice to celebrate with all of you! Thanks so much for all your support!

So the question now is...will I ever put on my running shoes again? Of course I will, just not this week!
I'm so proud of you! I think I would have went with Sammy to Krispy Kreme!
I am so impressed! I would have been at Krispy Kreme with Samuel and Angie! Good work! Miss you tons!
:) Amy
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