This week Samuel has tested his resilience. We always have known that he is pure boy, but this week proved just how tough he is. I guess he has mom's high pain tolerance.
On Wednesday, we were over at the apartment doing our check-in. We had taken one of our lamps since it was already dark and most of the rooms only have outlets not overhead lights. We had plugged the lamp in the office and were checking around when all of a sudden we heard Samuel scream and start to cry. The cry that was defiantly pain. By the time we got to him he was flapping his hands saying "hot, hot, hot." We immediately knew he had touched the light bulb. We instantly held his hands under cold water and reassured him that it would be ok. While at the same time I was freaking out (silently of course) not knowing what hand it was, if it was his whole hand, if it was both hands, how long he had held on....
Anyway after about 10 minutes, lots of cold water, a few graham crackers and lots of love he calmed down and seemed to go about playing as if nothing had happened. His hands looked fine and we guessed that all was ok. Later the next day Samuel came over to me and said hot while holding out his hand. This is what I saw on his finger.
I guess he answered the question of what hand and how bad. Although it looks horrible, he seems to be fine. Playing just as much as always and never seeming to be phased by it. On the other hand he does now know the light is hot and keeps his distance from it!
So, the week doesn't end there. Yesterday Mike, Jon and David painted our new apartment. When they were finished I had made a pot of chili and we had our first meal in the new place. After everyone had left and I was cleaning up, I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher when Samuel came running around the corner, tripped and fell face first into the door of the dishwasher. At the time we knew he had hit somewhere by his eye, but not sure exactly where. This injury instantly showed up. It started swelling and bruising. We applied a cold napkin and checked his vision. As always, after about 10 minutes he was off and playing as if nothing had happened.
This is a peek at the eye this morning. It is actually a lot better than I thought it would be. I thought for sure we would have our first black eye. I guess Samuel officially takes after his father then it comes to being injured as a kid. Since we can't have him live in a cushioned bubble I am glad he is tough!
On Wednesday, we were over at the apartment doing our check-in. We had taken one of our lamps since it was already dark and most of the rooms only have outlets not overhead lights. We had plugged the lamp in the office and were checking around when all of a sudden we heard Samuel scream and start to cry. The cry that was defiantly pain. By the time we got to him he was flapping his hands saying "hot, hot, hot." We immediately knew he had touched the light bulb. We instantly held his hands under cold water and reassured him that it would be ok. While at the same time I was freaking out (silently of course) not knowing what hand it was, if it was his whole hand, if it was both hands, how long he had held on....
Anyway after about 10 minutes, lots of cold water, a few graham crackers and lots of love he calmed down and seemed to go about playing as if nothing had happened. His hands looked fine and we guessed that all was ok. Later the next day Samuel came over to me and said hot while holding out his hand. This is what I saw on his finger.

So, the week doesn't end there. Yesterday Mike, Jon and David painted our new apartment. When they were finished I had made a pot of chili and we had our first meal in the new place. After everyone had left and I was cleaning up, I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher when Samuel came running around the corner, tripped and fell face first into the door of the dishwasher. At the time we knew he had hit somewhere by his eye, but not sure exactly where. This injury instantly showed up. It started swelling and bruising. We applied a cold napkin and checked his vision. As always, after about 10 minutes he was off and playing as if nothing had happened.

Ouch!! His little finger looks like it hurts. I am glad that you can stay calm through all that happened with Samuel this week. I think that I would be a nervous reck.
Take Care
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