Writing yet another chapter to our lives...
Posted by jenn at 7:48 AM 1 comments
Well, Samuel has picked up a few things from watching me around the house. I generally try and do things the most efficient way possible. This includes loading my arms with 15 grocery bags so I only make two trips, carrying way too much in the laundry basket, loading my arms up with toys to make the clean up process faster, the list goes on! Anyway, like it or not, Samuel has started to pick up on this. He loves doing his puzzle, but thinks that he needs to carry all the pieces at once. He will spend 10 minutes trying to pick one more up and tuck it under his chin or in the crook of his arm. He often ends up dropping two for each one he does retrieve and ends up pretty frustrated with the whole ordeal. Like mother...like son...
Posted by jenn at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Posted by jenn at 6:49 PM 0 comments