Lately we have been noticing how dry of a scalp Samuel has. He almost has dandruff at times. I have tried changing shampoos and washing his hair less, but it didn't really seem to help at all. Last week, I took him to get his haircut and asked the lady about it. She looked at it and explained that it wasn't dry scalp at all, but a build up of shampoo left on his scalp! Gross! She said that children's shampoos are generally so mild that if a child has sensitive skin (he does) that they will often just build up. She told me one of the best ways to get rid of it is to take oil of any sort and massage his scalp with it then run a comb through it and it should all come out.

Since we didn't have any baby oil in the house I used cooking oil! It was so funny. He loved it and looked like he was ready to be thrown into either the oven or back into the 80's. It was great fun for Mike and I as we styled his hair in many different ways! And...it worked. I bathed him shortly after and his head is clear of all build up. We have also switched to a shampoo that is not suppose to build up as much. I guess we will have to wait and see!
So CUTE!!!! Remember putting baby powder in your hair to get rid of the oily look in high school. Well some of us did. I know a lady who puts mayonaise on her face every day for great skin. Oh the wonder of products in the kitchen. Samuel looks great in that color too.
Lori :)
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