Thursday morning we woke and were thrilled that we would be able to spend the next three days just relaxing and enjoying time with family. Around 12:00 we headed over to Mike's dads where we would be staying throughout the weekend.

Samuel has his dad's passion for music and instantly found the piano. He and Mike have spent many minutes sitting playing together so today was going to be no different...wrong! After a few minutes the music was playing and Samuel was loving it. He tried to scoot himself closer to the piano and bam. He slid right off the bench and fell between the bench and the piano. The next few minutes were a blur. Samuel was screaming so I picked him up and he quickly buried his face into my chest. After a minute, I pulled him away to assess the damage. He was covered in blood from his forehead to his chin. We quickly escorted him off to the kitchen where we tried to determine where it was coming from. We found that he had split his forehead open right between the eyebrows. After a few minutes we decided that a trip to the urgent care center was needed with the possibility of a few stitches. We loaded up and took off.
By the time we arrived Samuel had calmed down and the bleeding had slowed. They got us in right away and after one look decided that a couple of stitches would be needed. Since they don't want him to move they use this backboard with these large Velcro straps to hold him down. To say the least he (nor mom) liked the experience at all. They gave him a shot then quickly put two stitches in. It was the longest five minutes of my life. I had just as many tears down my face as Samuel had. When it was all said and done we gave in and allowed Samuel to have his first dum-dum and headed back to Grandpa's.
Samuel seemed to be in pretty good spirits for the rest of the evening despite the large lump that had developed. We bathed him and put him to bed expecting a nice headache the next day.
Friday and Saturday were the start of a cold for Samuel. He was pretty stuffy and was not sleeping well at all. At this point we were not sure if it was the headache or the cold that was getting the best of him. By Sunday morning he had additionally developed a large blister on his lip and was refusing to eat anything. The only food we were able to get down him was Pediasure given in his bottle. Sunday evening we noticed that not only did he have a sore on his lip, but the entire inside of his mouth was covered with them (blister/ulcer like sores).
To say the least, Samuel's Christmas was pretty miserable. He would not smile, laugh or talk at all and spent most of the day taking medicine and cuddling on laps. Tuesday we headed back to the urgent care to find out that he had both an ear infection and a viral infection in his mouth. They gave us a medication that would help with the pain, but they sent us home saying that his body just had to fight it. At this point, Mike and I were ready to jump off a cliff! be continued... be continued...
Sorry we missed you guys when you were home. Hang in there - we have been there with the stitches when Bradley was 3! Not fun! Can't wait to hear the rest!
:) Amy
That board with the big velcro straps is what Koen had to get in when we went to the fun at all!! It's so sad....
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