Take a close look at Samuel's shirt...

This was one of his Christmas presents this past year. Yes, he is going to be a big brother. Mike and I were pleasantly surprised when we found out the news this past Thanksgiving. I had not been feeling well and was beginning to wonder, but figured it couldn't be that easy the second time around. After walking by our linen closet and being able to smell the vitamins I decided it was time to take the test. Lo' and behold it was positive. After an early ultrasound to confirm that everything was good, we found out that we will be expecting baby around July 24th! Which makes me 16 weeks right now.
The first trimester was a rough one for me. I was much more sick with this baby then I ever was with Samuel. I also have not felt that I have gotten enough sleep and am always walking around exhausted. I guess I better get use to it. I am feeling a bit better now, but continue to struggle with what sounds good to eat and then actually eating it. I am well into my maternity clothes, but am showing much differently than I did the first time around. This might be because I don't eat everything in sight this time.

Samuel is excited about being the big brother. He knows that there is a baby in mommy's tummy and everytime he thinks about it he comes over to lift my shirt and kiss my belly. It is really sweet. He was able to see the baby on the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat again last night. He has his own baby that he carries around, feeds and loves to burp! It is amazing how much he has grown up and matured over the last few months. I am hoping this continues as the baby gets closer and closer to being here.
Well, I guess that is it for now. I am sure there will be lots more to tell, but there are 20+ more weeks to talk about all that! Know that baby and mom are doing well, daddy and Samuel and preparing for another little miracle and Bailey is wondering how she can escape before July!
Congratulations! I told Bradley and his response was "That's awesome!" I will be praying for good health for you all! Miss you all a ton and wish you were closer!
:) Amy
How awesome is that news! Kath, Sam and I celebrate this news with you (from a distance of course). We will be praying that all goes well. Congratulations!
Congrats Jen! Your mom actually told me a while ago. This pregnancy has been totally different for me too! I really wasn't sick much and have had more energy. Cody is getting very excited to have little brother. Even though his heart was set on a sister until we found out. Good luck! Angie
Congratulations Jenn and Mike!! I am so happy for you guys. I hope everything goes well. I am sure that Samuel will make a wonderful big brother.
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