I came out of the bedroom and peeked in Samuel's room...he wasn't there. I asked Mike if he was with him and got the response of "no...I thought he was playing." I did a quick scan of the living room, listened for any noises and determined..."he's gone!" Samuel has discovered the ability to undo the deadbolt of the door, open it and apparently take off.
Mike took off down the back stairs while I did a look through the typical hiding spots in the house. As Mike was rounding the last set of stairs along the back of the apartment he saw the flash of Samuel run around the front of the building...laughing...thinking it was a great adventure. Mike took off after him since he was headed toward the parking lot and caught him halfway down the drive.
Samuel was panting and had probably had the biggest adrenaline rush he has ever had. To recap...he undid the deadbolt, opened the door, went down three flights of stairs and took off across the parking lot in less than three minutes. Meanwhile, I was still searching the apartment, beginning to panic as the ideas of what might have happened started to go through my head.
Oh...the joys...
We are calling our apartment complex about installing a chain!
What a scare!! I am glad that everything turned out alright. Hopefully you don't have too many more moments like this.
Take Care
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