Samuel is currently still in that all to exciting place of "independence." He is almost two therefore he is able to do everything on his own and don't you dare try to interfere. Although this is a very cute stage and it is exciting to see him want to do things on his own, it is also very frustrating at time! Yes...he does have mom's stubborn side too!

Here is a new favorite activity. STICKERS! He wants you to draw shapes on his paper and then proceeds to take off each sticker and put it in a predetermined shape. Predetermined in his mind...The stickers must all fit and he cannot possibly have two different stickers in the same shape or two similar stickers in two different shapes. You can probably guess what some of the frustration looks like with this activity!

To help us cope with the new found Independence we are trying to give Samuel "jobs" to do. We also hope that this will help when baby arrives. He loves finding his shoes and socks and will generally bring them to us when it is time to go. Lately we have been working on getting a diaper and wipes when he needs to be changed. The other day he obviously needed a clean diaper since this is how Mike and I found him in the hallway. I thought about leaving him to see if he would just change himself!

Eating is always an independent activity now. Here he is finishing up his hot dog from lunch the other day. He thought he was so funny with ketchup all over his face. We are also working on eating with a spoon. I am actually impressed with how well he does. Most of it ends up in his mouth!

And finally...mommy and daddy's favorite independent activity. He is starting to finally put himself to sleep at night. You don't know how nice this is. We have been battling bedtime for quite awhile now. Short of duct taping him to his bed we have tried everything. The other night I was putting him down and told him I had to go to the bathroom (an activity he is very use to mommy doing) and that I would be back to check on him. He actually fell asleep.
Some nights go better than others, but we are finally on our way. Yes, Bailey claims she doesn't like the kid, but does end up sleeping next to his bed!
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