Samuel has done amazing with Liam. He was very excited to see him as soon as we walked in the door and can't get enough of him.

When Mike walked in carrying the car seat Samuel yelled "BABY!" He then ran over to see inside. As soon as he realized that Liam was there he went straight to his baby, grabbed the bottle and brought it over to Liam. Sharing already!

Samuel has also been very gentle with Liam. He is able to touch his hands and feet, but is suppose to keep his hands away from his face for now. He also covers Liam with kisses every chance he gets.

Here are the two boys this morning.
Liam taking yet another nap...Samuel standing by on guard duty!

Once Liam was awake we decided to let him lay down on the floor for a bit. Samuel was right there next to him. They watched each other closely. It was amazing to see how Liam would just stare at Samuel thinking..."oh...all the things you will teach me!"

I think this picture will officially bring a tear to my eye every time I see it!
Our two boys...Samuel Michael and Liam John...
Beautiful!!! Can't wait to see you guys later this week!
What a precious picture of your two sons together! How excicting to watch your family grow. Miss you all tons!
Kisses from the Hage Family!
What an amazing birth story! Thank you for sharing it. We are so happy for your new arrival and look forward to hearing the adventures of Samuel and Liam. Liam is precious!!
the vander werf fam
Congratulations! Liam is a beautiful addition to your family. I am so happy that everything went well for you. It looks like Samuel will be a wonderful big brother. Take Care.
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