It's hard to believe it has already been two weeks! What was our life like two weeks ago? It may be the hormones, the lack of 8 hours of sleep, or the realization that life will never again be the same, but I am having a hard time remembering 14 days ago. I think I slept, I think I ate regular meals, I think I even had time to shower...who knows...

Liam continues to be our miracle sleeper. Rumor has it this week he will "wake up." I am eager for the more alert times, but hope the 4-6 hours of straight sleep continues. Feeding Liam has still been a challenge. Whoever says breastfeeding is so natural, so easy and doesn't hurt needs to be kicked. We are still working on it, but determined to make it through. Any advise would be appreciated!

Nana is still here...THANK GOD! I am thinking I should get her to start interviewing here so she can stay. She has been a huge help with Samuel. She does all the cleaning and the laundry turn around is usually about 12 hours! She even stayed with both boys today so I could go get a massage. I am not sure what we will do when she has to leave next week.
Happy 2 weeks!
Hey Jenn,
Your such a great mom. My advice after 3 baby's nursed till 9 mo. is really relax. Maybe you need to drink a glass of wine. I used to just look at another baby and it would come down. What can I say. Nurse in bed if its a night feeding and relax but don't fall asleep. Cute pictures!
Thinking of you - Lori :)
wow! two weeks! He is so adorable! can't wait to see him this weekend. Hang in there with the nursing, but I am with you with the kicking those that say its natural! its definately challenging. wish I could say more then it does get better, but thats all I've got for now. (-:
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