Honestly...7 weeks! I say this both ways...at times I can't believe it has only been seven weeks and at others I feel like he has been here forever. Liam continues to eat, sleep and poop! He is weighing in at over 11 pounds now and is still really long! Liam is still the miracle sleeper. He usually is in bed around 8 and sleeps until 1 or 2. He is then up for a quick feed and back to sleep until around 5. He also takes a nice long nap in the morning and if I am lucky Samuel joins him! Here are a few pictures of the week.

Watching his first golf match. Papa and Uncle Mike would be proud!

The brothers...
Samuel checking out his ears. Liam not sure about any of this.

Samuel being his cheeky self.
Liam wondering what kind of family he was born into.

Samuel still silly.
Liam responding with "honestly mom!"

Kisses are always good.
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