My Little Man,

This weekend you will turn twenty-seven months old. I will admit that it has been the most amazing, difficult, beautiful and memorable twenty-seven months of my life. Not because we live in a beautiful area of the country, not because your dad and my marriage is the best it has been, not because we now have Liam, but because of you. You bring so much joy to our lives each and everyday. Thank you!

I love watching you grow each day and wondering what you will do next. You take on the world with such an amazing spirit. You are so eager to explore and discover. I hope that you always keep this spirit about you. Your dad and I work so hard to honor your spirit, yet I know at times we fail you and leave you crushed. Don't ever let anyone convince you that your spirit is too much, too active, too adventurous, too daring. I pray that you embrace it. Although following that spirit may be scary and seem impossible at times, follow anyway. When you do, look around and your dad and I will be there with you.

This month you have discovered a show called "Fireman Sam." The first thing you ask for each morning is to watch a show. You will curl up on the couch with crackers, juice and your blanket. Firemen and really anything to do with them have become very intriguing to you. Each time we leave the apartment we have to see if the firetrucks at the station are out. You even have your new fireman boots you wear 24 hours a day. You run around the house in your boots and hat pretending to be a fireman. You often have your hammer attached to your pants, pretending it's an axe. You ride around on your firetruck and make siren noises.
Trust's cute.

You are also learning how to be a fantastic big brother. You are so gentle and loving with Liam. I am amazed at your tenderness and compassion for him. You are always asking where he is at and if he is crying you are right there trying to help. You talk to him, sing to him, bounce him in his seat and even try to give him your beloved "t-t." Daddy and I are so happy that you love your brother so much. Although we know there will be times in your lives that you will "hate" one another we hope that you will always be close. That your brother will be the one person who knows you better than anyone else, the one you can call at two in the morning just because and the one who will be beside you through thick and thin.

Sometimes I wonder who you will be. I wonder what you will do, who you will bless and how people will describe you. I wonder what you will be passionate about and who you will fight for. I can't wait to see...
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