Mister Samuel-
Well, you are now twenty-eight months old. It is so hard to believe that you have only been here for twenty-eight months. I cannot remember what life was like before you. Maybe that is because you make life that much better! What I do know is that your smile can always melt my heart and your tears make we want to do anything that will make you happier.
This month your language has really started to take off. I love it in some ways and at the same time it can be one of the hardest things to work through. You are a determined little boy and often have your mind set on exactly what you want to say or do. You often are able to tell me what you want I just am often guessing about what you really mean. The other day you kept saying the same thing over and over. To me it sounded a bit like "bebar" After asking you to repeat it seven or eight times daddy and I gave up. You didn't. We understood that you were talking about a video you wanted to watch but had guessed everyone we could think of. Out of a bit of frustration you finally said "muffin!" Ohhh..you wanted to watch Baby Einsteins. The one with the zebras and the muffins! You were so excited when we finally figured it out. I would like to say we often figure out what you are telling us, but most of the time we don't. We end up sufficing you with something else or just nodding our heads to whatever you are telling us. Sorry!
This month your imagination has also been growing like crazy. So much so that you are having nightmares. It is a bit scary when you wake up at all hours of the night screaming. Sometimes you cry, sometimes you scream and other times you yell "no, no, no" or "mommy...daddy." This often sends one of us sprinting to your room. You ask to be held and rocked or walked back to sleep. Sometimes you have two or three an night and it often takes a good amount of time to get you to go back to sleep. You also have ended up in our bed on nights when you are up every 45 minutes or so. It seems that in the morning you don't remember them and you go about your day acting as it everything is fine. I love the growth of your imagination but look forward to the times when you can separate imagination from reality. Until then we will hold you.
You continue to love cars more than anything else. You play with them nonstop each day. If you are not playing cars you are asking to watch the movie or you are standing at the window talking about every car that goes by. You have my organizational and detail skills. You will line up your cars "put them in the parking lot" and count them. So far I think we are at 48. You will also know when one is missing. The other day we took your cars to daddy's school. The next morning you lined them up and came running to ask me "where's tractor?" Do you honestly know when 1 of the 48 are missing and which one it is? Impressive!
You continue to be an amazing little boy. I think I am more and more in love with you each day. Although being 2 has it's hard times, I think it is my favorite time with you so far. You love life, you love the world and you can't wait to explore more. So...let's explore.
Well, you are now twenty-eight months old. It is so hard to believe that you have only been here for twenty-eight months. I cannot remember what life was like before you. Maybe that is because you make life that much better! What I do know is that your smile can always melt my heart and your tears make we want to do anything that will make you happier.

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