Friday 3:00am...Samuel throws up all over Mike, his bed and his floor
Friday 3:01am...Mike puts in for a sub
Friday day...Samuel continues to run a fever and is just not feeling well
Friday night...Samuel is up throughout the night crying and taking Tylenol
Saturday am...Samuel continues to run a fever, Mike is at wits end with a sick 2 year old, Jenn is praying Liam doesn't catch it, Liam thinks life is grand
Saturday day and night...Samuel's fever stops, running nose and cough start
Saturday night...sleepless enough I don't remember
Sunday am...Samuel is doing much better, runny nose and cough still but back playing
Sunday day...Mike and Jenn are saved by Jen and Tucker and actually get out to see Juno
Sunday night..Samuel starts up again with a really bad cough, Mike puts in for another sub
Monday day...Samuel seems to be doing better, Jenn, Liam and Mike seem to be in the clear
Monday night...more sleep than previously
Tuesday early am...Mike off to work, Jenn up and ready for the day, Samuel feeling better, Liam happy
Tuesday mid am...Liam spikes a fever, Jenn starts to feel miserable
Tuesday 3:30pm...Mike home, Liam and Samuel left with him, Jenn to bed
Tuesday 6:00pm...Jenn throwing up, Liam crying non-stop, Samuel wondering why everyone is sick
Tuesday 8:00pm...Liam sleeping but only if held, Jenn back in bed, Samuel asleep, Mike watching CNN for Super Tuesday updates
Wednesday am...all feeling a bit better, no fevers, Liam pulling on ears and coughing, Samuel coughing and runny nose, Jenn coughing and running nose, Mike fingers crossed that he stays well
Wednesday night...continued improvement but lots of waking in the middle of the night since it is impossible to breath laying down for any of us
Current...Liam napping, Samuel napping, Jenn showered, Mike at work...all feeling better but still needing a few more days
As you can see it has been an adventure. I hope no one else has to go through this!
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