Saturday, February 16, 2008

What A Week

As you have all well noticed, I have been a bit absent on the blog postings. Not much has been going on to report on since we have all been cooped up inside trying to get over this illness that has invaded the house for over two weeks now. Samuel is seeming to feel better and is getting back to his old self. Liam now has a double ear infection which is being treated by antibiotics. He has been a pretty cranky baby, rightfully so. I am still trying to recover from what I am guessing is a sinus infection. Mike has been feeling cruddy here and there but doesn't seem to have been hit with all the crap we have. Thank goodness...someone has to hold us all together.

Since I don't feel like writing a ton but wanted to let you know that we are all still alive, I will just update you with some cute pictures. Here you go...

Samuel thinks it is great to dress Liam up. Liam is not always amused.

Getting bigger everyday. I can't believe how old he looks here.

Still smiling with two ear infections.

Yes, both boys are sitting. That is all I can ask. Maybe someday they will both look and smile at the same time. Then again...probably not.

This morning we went on a walk to the library. We had to stop part way so Liam could eat. Samuel and daddy picked flowers and ran around in the muddy grass. Spring is just around the corner.

This week I will try and do a better job of keeping everyone updated! Keep praying that we all get healthy soon. This being sick stuff really stinks!


Anonymous said...

What precious picture of your beautiful boys! I will be praying for good health and rest for you! Miss you all!

:) Amy

Jessi said...

Great photos! they look really good and you can tell you have been working hard at improving, its paying off!