A couple weeks ago we took a little walk over the Green Lake to feed the ducks. Although all the signs are posted requesting people not to feed them, what mom could resist the giggles and smiles of a two year old thrilled to do so. So...we did! Oh well!

Samuel loved it. I have not heard him laugh quite so hard in awhile. He kept getting very nervous as the ducks would come close to him. From the friendliness of the ducks you could tell we were not the only people that broke the rules. Several ducks came right up to Samuel and were attempting to take the bread right out of his hands. He would end up just throwing the entire piece at their heads. It was great!

We went through a lot of bread in a very little amount of time. The ducks were full and Samuel was thrilled. On our way home we stopped off in a grassy area so the boys could run around and play a bit (Honestly I just wanted to take some pictures, but don't tell). So we played before heading home for naps.

Sometimes they pretend they like each other a bit.

Watching Samuel run circles around us.

Peek a boo!

"Look Mom! A stick!"

The Art of Stick Picking
"Liam, this is how you do it!"
"Wow Samuel, I never would have guessed!"

The perfect stick.

"Mom, are you done with that camera yet?"

"Here are my teeth! They make me fussy!"

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