This past weekend, Samuel and Liam got to spend some time with their cousins. On Saturday, Addision came down to Coldwater to spend the day with us. Samuel and Addison were so excited to see each other. That lasted for about 20 minutes before they both started arguing and fighting with one another. By the end of the day they were getting along like siblings! I think if one would have said the grass was green the other would have argued that it was purple!
Despite some crankiness we had a great day. We spent time playing out around the pool, getting ice cream and playing at a local park. It wasn't long after Addison left that Samuel was asking about here and when she could come and play again!

On Monday we made it up to Lansing to catch up with all of Mike's step-siblings. We had a dinner at his dad's and let the kids run wild. There were six of the eight grandkids there ranging in age from 4 days to 5 years old. We played soccer, hide and seek, and tag. It was a small glimpse at what Christmas for the next 18 years may be like.
Here is the newest addition to the family.
Kasey Aaron Ellis

Congrats to Scott, Erin and big brother Evan!