Well, today was the day that Samuel has been waiting for, the first day of preschool! We have been preparing him for today for the past three months. Talking all about preschool, visiting his school and his teacher, talking about sharing and telling "preschool stories." Although I thought he was pretty prepared I didn't know what to expect.

This morning he woke up at 7 and came running up the stairs talking about preschool. He was eager to eat breakfast and got dressed without a fuss. He even wore a button up shirt without complaining. After a couple dozen pictures we loaded up and headed out. He talked nonstop in the car, explaining to me how he was going to say hi to Miss Lisa, how he was going to eat a snack and how he was going to share with his friends. He was ready!

We got to the school about 5 minutes early. As soon as we walked in the door we were greeted by the pastor of the church. Samuel instantly hid behind my leg and refused to talk. He wished a good day to Samuel and we headed to his classroom. He eagerly hung up his backpack and headed into the room. He hesitated for about a second then saw the dress up area. He walked over, grabbed the police helmet, put it on his head and headed over to say hi to Miss Lisa. Since he appeared to be doing great I said my goodbye and headed out.

Once I hit the car I had the realization that I just dropped by baby off for his first day of preschool. I felt a twinge of sadness but was more overjoyed and excited for him. I then realized that I had only one kid for the next two and a half hours!

When we went to pick up Samuel he was sitting (yes sitting) with his class. He yelled "Mommy!" then ran over to give me a big hug. He told me all about his new friends, his new playground, what he had for snack and that he wanted to go back again.

I don't think I could have asked for a better first day for him.
Oh he looks so handsome. I'm glad it was a good day and probably a much needed break for you.
ahhh, your post made me teary. :) He looks like such a little boy and so excited! That first picture is so so so precious... you guys definitely prepared him well. Thanks for the post!
He looks so cute and old! He's not supposed to be in preschool yet! I'm so glad it went well and I too was tearing up :) He's such a little man!
I was thinking of him today and was very glad to hear it went well!
YAY! So glad he liked it and all went well. I, too, cannot believe he is in preschool already. he does look so old in the pictures. Such a little man.
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