Whenever there is a mention of sleeping or resting in our house Samuel's immediate response it "But I'm not tired." He could be yawning and nearly falling over because he is exhausted but he insists that he is not even remotely sleepy. Knowing he still needs a nap most days, I often spend well over an hour fighting with him before he finally falls alseep. This gets really old really fast. So about a week ago I said fine. He didn't have to sleep but he still needed to take a rest in his bed for an hour. He could sing, read books, tell stories, whatever he wanted as long as he was laying in bed. He agreed and we set him up with about five books. For the first 20 minutes or so I heard him going back and forth from this bed to his bookshelf. Then it was quite. Fully expecting him to be either in the bathroom or in the spare room messing arond I went up to investigate and this is what I found.
So much for not being tired.
I was estatic. No more fighting but still getting a nap! Yeah maybe we were on to something here. That lastest until bedtime when he realized what we were up to and refused to look at books in his bed or anywhere else for that matter! On to the next trick...if I could just figure that one out.

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