We would like to welcome the newest addition to our house...

Short story...We went out to buy a Christmas tree and came home with a puppy. She is a lab mix and is about 8 weeks old. The boys adore her and are constantly following her around the house. She loves to sleep and play and seems to be quite a chewer.

Long story...Today we went out to buy our Christmas tree. On the way we had to stop at the local farm story (yes we have a local farming store) to pick up some saw horses on sale. I dropped Mike off thinking he would run in, grab them and we would be on our way. He came back out within a minute and said I had to grab the boys and come inside. Thinking it would be Santa I agreed and we headed in.

When we went in there were 5 puppies for sale. Now we have been talking about getting a second dog for some time now and actually turned a Goldendoodle down a week or so ago. We wanted to get a young puppy and Mike preferred we get a dog from the humane society or something similar. So these fit the stipulations. I feel in love right away and the boys were so excited about the possibility. We decided to get what we needed, leave, get our tree and think about it until we headed back through town.

After picking out or perfect tree we headed back to choose our puppy. We chose Wrigley from the 5, got the rest of the much needed puppy items and headed home.
So far so good!
Oh my gosh! She is so cute. What does Bailey think?
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