One of the things Mike has been looking forward to since the time we found out we were having a boy is Legos. As a kid, Mike loved playing with Legos and couldn't wait to re-live those fond memories with the boys. Samuel has had Duplos now for awhile and we figured he was probably ready to start entering the world of more complicated Legos. A few weeks ago, Samuel and Daddy built thier very first lego spaceship together.

Samuel was very excited and did a great job. He sat patinetly, looked at the directions, found the pieces he needed and attempted to put them in the correct places. Mike had to help make sure they were snapped in and in the end they were successful.

I think when our kids are older, I'll enjoy this more than Tucker will!
I think I've created a monster! He's non-stop now about LEGO's and Star Wars! Woo hoo! :D (Mike)
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